Want to save lives? Wear your mask.
The effect of the coronavirus in Texas is still going strong. Although we are eager to return to our normal lives, this virus is not going away without the proper precautions.
Other countries where the coronavirus first hit took lockdown and face coverings very seriously, and as a result, they are experiencing a significant decrease in cases every day. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel here. We know what works to help prevent the spread of this infection, so there’s virtually no reason not to do more.
A few things to know about the Executive Order must be made clear.
Any county with over 20 coronavirus cases must cover their nose and mouth when inside any public building. Social distancing guidelines still apply, but if it is not feasible to do so in an outdoor public space, a face covering is also required then.
This order does also specify certain consequences if anyone is found in violation of it. First a verbal or written warning will be issued, but after that be ready to pay up to $250. With that said, it is important to note that anyone found in violation of this order cannot be detained, arrested, or jailed for failure to cover their face.
The Governor has also said that a shutdown would not be necessary if every Texan can agree to wearing a mask. See more about that here: https://www.kvue.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/austin-coronavirus-texas-shutdown-lockdown-governor-greg-abbott-update/269-3a9547e5-c8b0-4b4a-a17f-2a7a47178656
If you have reopened your business to the public, you may want to display a clear sign of your face mask policy to anyone who may enter. You do have the permission to refuse someone entry to your business if they refuse to wear mask as well. Please reach out for any questions about how to implement a face mask policy effectively at 512-481-9292.