Want People to Accept Your LinkedIn Requests? Use These 11 Templates

Want People to Accept Your LinkedIn Requests? Use These 11 Templates

1. A Colleague

?Hi Rajiv,

Although I’ve never gotten the chance to work with you directly, I’ve heard rave reviews about your HR & Sales techniques and ability to work with tough clients. Hopefully one of these days I can see you in action! ’Till then, I’ll catch you in the break room.



2. A New Colleague

Dear Rajiv,

I’m so excited to join the HR department. The team’s innovation and commitment to always finding the best Recruiting methodologies is one of the reasons I was so drawn to work at XXX Company. Looking forward to contributing.



3. A Former Co-worker

Dear Rajiv,

It was such a pleasure working together at Nimbus from 2020 to 2021. Your computer troubleshooting skills were the best in the office—can you imagine if we had to go back to working on those huge computers? If you have the chance, I’d love to catch up and learn more about what you’re doing in your new role at Microsoft.



4. Someone You Know Casually

Hey Sakshi,

I’m glad Rajiv introduced us. Next time we run into each other, you’ll have to tell me more about what you do for Nimbus—I’ve always been interested in the recruiting industry.






5. Someone You Met at a Networking Event

Dear Anki,

It was great speaking to you at the HR Conference in Mumbai last month. The mapping and charting work you do for recruiters sounded fascinating! I’d definitely like to stay up-to-date on your career.

Thank you,


6. Someone You Admire

Dear Chirag,

I’m a college senior interested in working in marketing. For the last year, I’ve been following your work for NAPL, and it’s really impressed me. I particularly loved your campaign recent campaign in The Bangalore—that multimedia component was totally unexpected and really effective. If you ever have 20 or so minutes, I’d love to hear more about how you started working in the field and what skills you believe are most relevant to the profession.

Thank you so much,


7. Someone in the Same LinkedIn Group

Dear Tanisha,

I’m also in the Society of Professional HR’s, and I’ve really enjoyed reading your posts. The piece you shared a week or two ago about the future of Recruitment was pretty thought-provoking. I’d love to keep in touch and learn more about your work.



8. A Recruiter

Dear Samantha ?,

I found your profile on the LinkedIn page and wanted to reach out to discuss potentially working together. I’m a Head Hunter with six years of experience and currently seeking new opportunities. I’d love to chat about whether my background might be a fit for any of your openings, and I’d also be happy to connect you with other professionals in my field.

Looking forward to hearing from you,






9. An Alumnus

Dear Steve,

I see that you graduated from my current university, Delhi! I’m an HR ?major and would be excited to hear more about your work with Accenture. I’ll be in your area in a few weeks for vacation; if you have any free time, I’d love to meet up for coffee.

Thanks so much,

Evan ?

10. Someone You Want to Work With

Dear Sarah,

I was really impressed by the social media strategy you put together for CCD. I’m also a small business owner, and I’m interested in hiring you for a similar project. If you’re interested, let me know and we can arrange a phone call to discuss timeline, rates, scope, etc.

Looking forward to possibly working with you,


11. Approaching for Job Opening

Hi Divyanshi Gupta,

I reviewed your application for our LinkedIn Specialist job and i am impressed with your background. I’d like to schedule a call with you to discuss your experience on Monday.


Rajiv Kumar

Source:- google and some other platforms


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