Want to be the one of the 18% who achieves their goals this year?
Ciara Conlon
High-Vibration Leadership Coach | Helping Female Leaders Elevate Without Burnout | Creator of The Lifeflow Planner & The Habit Method?
Over the next few days and weeks most of us will start to think about change, about giving up bad habits and creating new positive habits.
Traditionally at New Year we think about how this year can be different, we are filled with hope, optimism and excitement.
Unfortunately the statistics for New Year Resolution success is poor.
Apparently only 18% of people succeed with their New Year’s Resolutions, but rather than focus on the negative statistic, what can we learn from the 18% of people who do achieve there goals each year?
1. They Understand the Need for Goals
We need goals if we are to achieve anything outside our normal routine, we need goals to inspire and motivate us and give us direction.
Without them our future is not within our own control, we leave our future to fate.
Being aware of what needs to improve, is the only way that you can consciously make improvements.
Life is a journey that we can only strive to make better, daily, little by little.
Asking yourself a few key questions might help you to focus on areas to improve or change:
- Are you wasting time doing things that don’t need to be done, or perhaps you are trying very hard and not getting the results that you had hoped for?
- What can you do to make next year better?
- What do you really want, but struggle to achieve every year?
- What would you like to change about yourself?
These answers can be the starting point for setting your goals and they will give you a guideline if you don’t know where to start and help you to get clear about what it is you want to change.
2. They set Motivating Goals that they really want
It might seem pretty obvious but so many people are unclear about what they really want to change.
They set the same goals every year, the same goals as everybody else. Their new year goals become the desires of the masses rather than the needs of the one.
Do you really want to start in the gym on the 1st of January or would you like to start planning a new business or becoming more creative?
The reason why people fail is because they halfheartedly set goals for themselves focused on the things that they know they should be doing.
The problem is a lot of goals that people set don’t actually excite them or at least they haven’t found the motivation in these goals to go out and achieve them.
A goal needs to excite and motivate you – while pounding the pavement might never excite you, the idea of a strong healthy body in your skinny jeans might just do the job!
3. They Start Small
If you try to change everything at once you are setting yourself up for failure.
The key to positive change is to change one thing at a time – Master one habit before moving on to the next.
Charles Duhigg, author of the ‘The Power of Habit’ suggests we focus on what he calls keystone habits. In his book he explains the concept of keystone habits, that when focused on they have a positive and empowering effect.
Keystone habits don’t create a direct cause-and-effect relationship, but they can spark “chain reactions that help other good habits take hold“.
If you master the habit of running you can be guaranteed you will naturally start adopting other habits such as drinking more water and eating healthier. When you master the habit of rising early you will find it so much easier to meditate, journal etc.
These keystone habits are the ones to focus on, others include, family dinners, making your bed in the morning, meditation and planning your day.
So if you plan on making a change this year it may be a good idea to focus on one of these life changing ‘keystone habits’.
4. They Believe they can
Are you one of those people who reluctantly takes on a new habit?
Do you say you are going to do it but inside you don’t really believe it?
A lot of people have set themselves up for failure before they have even started – Deep down they don’t believe they can do it.
Your beliefs will generally determine the outcome so don’t waste your time if you don’t really believe it can be done.
So many people set the goal of losing weight every January but they feel so negative about the goal because they have tried so many times before and failed, that they don’t really believe they will do it.
If this is the case for you the first thing you must consider is, are you doing the same things time after time and failing?
Remember Einstein’s definition of insanity; doing the same things and expecting different results – what do you need to do differently this year?
If the goal is something you do really want, and you don’t understand why you can’t make it work, ask a close friend why they think you haven’t yet achieved your goal, and most importantly be willing to listen to the answer!
5. They are resilient
Successful people in general understand that failure is part of life.
They understand that on the road to getting what they want there will be potholes and barriers, but they stay with it.
Success takes determination and persistence.
The key to reaching your goals is to promptly get up each time you fall down. Try to preempt the challenges and plan for them, but if you fail, accept it quickly and move on.
It’s really important that you don’t waste time dwelling on the negative.
Monitor your thoughts and make sure you speak to yourself with encouragement rather than condemnation – Forgive yourself and move on.
It is your life and your responsibility to make it a good one, and with a little bit of focus and effort you can create the life you have always dreamed of.
Why not become the designer of your life in 2018?
I will be running an evening event on January 25th in Wood Quay Venue, in Dublin called “Design a Life you Love”
A special “two for the price of one” offer is available until January 7th.
Ciara Conlon is a Productivity Coach and Motivational Speaker and respected thought leader working with individuals and organisations transforming behaviours in order to create more productive and happier people and workplaces.
You can find out more at www.ciaraconlon.com or on her Facebook page
This post first appeared on the Fuzion Blog Get your Goals in 2018
Strategic Consultant /Leadership Coach/ Team Coach/Change Agent/Learning Development Professional
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