Want to multiply your results? Ask yourself this ONE question!

What BIG idea am I working on this week and what actions will I take?

This is a question I ask myself every Monday morning and I would suggest that you do too, if you want to see big shifts in your performance and results!

Ideas are the seedlings of reality and it is from ideas that all things are created. Whether you are aware or not, you work from a concept or idea about something.

For example: what's the idea you hold in your mind regarding this upcoming week?

Whatever that answer is, that is what you will attract unless you change your idea.

Now STOP....

THINK and consciously ask yourself, do you want this?

Is this what you really want to trade your life for, this week?

What would you really LOVE your days to look like? How do you really want to feel in yourself each day and with others?

You see you do have other BIG IDEAS, the only problem is you're just not in the habit of holding them on the screen of your mind.

Ideas are the starting point, however, it is the next step, a lot of people get stuck, and some even spend their whole lives here...

They take NO ACTION on the ideas and stay in the habitual cycle of always doing what they have always done and receiving what they have always got.

Do not become a futile daydreamer.

Do not think that if you just THINK about riches they will come. They will not.

Money is earned, always remember that. The BIG money comes from BIG ideas that are ACTIONED with faith.

You can have the best attitude in the world and attract all the people and resources you need but to receive the abundance that is flowing to you, YOU MUST TAKE ACTION.

If there is no action, there can be no reaction which is what creates the attraction.

So today ask yourself;

What BIG idea am I working on this week and what actions will I take?

What decisions and actions can you take this week that will move you forward toward your goal?

Focus on this, stay on purpose and let life fill in around that, not the other way around!

Want to gain clarity around your goal and see if mentorship is a fit for you? Avail of a complimentary call with my team and let this be the action you take this week.

Let us help guide you instead of working it all out on your own!



