Want More Energy?
Self-Leadership Executive Performance Coach | Empowering Business Executives to Thrive with Clarity, Impact, and Emotional Intelligence at Big Vision Life Coach
Want More Energy...
When I ask this question I normally receive a resounding "Hell Yeah"...
I believe I have lots of energy and I do reflect and ponder sometimes what I'm actually doing in my daily life that gives me such high energy levels...
No... it's not the coffee...yet I'm sure it helps a little...
I can rattle off a list of great things I'm doing and what I teach my clients and most of them don't pertain to food...
Now...I would like to share with you one specific idea that will be the KEY to someone's energy challenge...
Very simply put our energy leaks happen when we have too many things open...
It's very similar to when you are using your Smart phone...
In the morning once you start to use it you have a fully charged battery...
By the time mid morning comes your looking to find a power point to charge your battery...
You have many different Apps open, FB, email, many web pages still open, Messenger, Viber, what's App...
I'm sure you can add a few of your own Apps to that collection...
Understand this...
Our mind is the same...
When we have too many things open and not completed it distracts us and burns our energy faster than you would like to imagine...
Do you have uncompleted tasks like...
? Sending that important email...
? Finish the project...
? Get my shoes repaired...
? Change the lightbulb...
? Close my old account...
? Clear my old clothes from my wardrobe...
? Call mum and dad...
? Coffee with my best freind...
It doesn't matter how big or small the task is...
If Your always guna...guna...guna....do it...and you don't...do it...that's an energy leak whether your conscious of it or not...
The last few days I...
? Closed some of my websites...
? Closed and deleted accounts...
? Deleted products...
? Deleted many email addresses...
Because I had too many things going on at once...
I no longer needed those things, I'm evolving into new projects, and they were becoming an energy leak...
Now...with those things out of the way I have a one eyed focus on what I want to work on and that's where my energy is going...
It feels liberating to clear the decks and free my mind for other more important things in my life...
Do you have any energy leaks that you need to attend to...NOW....??
Good luck and I would be curious to hear your results from taking such action steps...