Want More Confidence?

Want More Confidence?

In life we go through change. Some will go through change quickly and others will slowly; sometimes it is of our choosing and sometimes things just happen.

For me, I have my lingo which has enhanced through YourStyle Fitness but like anything you can change things up to how they feel good to you. 

Some of what I will speak of will be science and some of it will be a little ‘woo’. 

Whether you believe in a God, the universe or anything in between just replace these sections on my blogs with words that resinate for you.

In order to allow the life we desire the 6 pillars I work with are of course interchangeable and should one fall down you can step back and source what triggered that part of you to steer off course.

You can be healthier, happier and more confident living the life of your true hearts desire; once you get out of your own way and understand you.

Yet one of the biggest things I find with working professionals, similar to myself. When it comes to the 6 Pillars. Sleep, Recovery and Metime is one of the hardest for them to work on.

Have you ever noticed when you are tired life starts to get on top of you?

Focus goes. Carbs and Fats are a go to food source and general mood and motivation to exercise begins to drop.

Quality sleep, recovery and me-time is vital to health and staying on track.

Studies have shown that those with less than 7 hours of quality sleep per night were more likely to gain weight.

With lack of sleep the hunger hormones Ghrelin (which tells your brain that you are hungry) and Leptin (which lets the brain know you are full) become out of balance. When tired we create more Ghrelin than Leptin and our hunger increases.

Say what!!??!

It doesn't stop there....

Cortisol; a stress hormone, is also higher with inadequate sleep and if you are a bit of a coffee addict then that cortisol is going to keep rising and with high cortisol levels fat storage on the belly begins to increase.

With poor sleep the cells of the body can too become insulin resistant. Insulin is a hormone that transfers the sugar from the blood into the cells. If cells become resistant sugar stays in the bloodstream and then the body produces more insulin to compensate.

Guess what. 

Hunger increases and the body begins to store excess calories as fat.

Introducing the life cycle of many. Inadequate Sleep = Weight Gain.

Of course this is a simplistic way of looking at things.

My point is that the thing is never the thing.

Often I have clients asking me to help them with focus, weight gain, stress.

The first question I ask... how are you sleeping?

It is easy to look at the pillar we can do things on as an over worker.

What if the pillar we need to work on most is how to 'do' less and 'be' more.


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