You are amazing. We want you to SHINE! Our job is to give you the skills, knowledge and confidence to get you to where YOU want to go. Join our Digital Tribe and discover the Shakti Magic.
Then join Sharon at her supper club next Saturday and learn about and eat the foods that care for your body and improve and maximize your health and wellbeing.
This is not a talking shop, you will dine on delicious, nutritious, healthy, organic foods, prepared just for you, whist learning about caring for your body and your soul in the most delightful of all circumstances.
Sharon cares about our health and has spent her life teaching people how to heal and cleanse their bodies and how to enjoy a radiant, youthful life at any age.
“I believe that we are all connected in nature and our health is a combination of body, mind, emotions, social factors and the environment. My practice is based on working with the body’s powerful self-healing mechanisms to restore well-being and promote optimal health naturally.” Sharon Smith
Reservations: Saturday 3rd August 6pm at The Shakti Rooms £29 per diner.
Sharon is both a State Registered Nurse and a Paediatric children's nurse. She has spent the last 30yrs as a neonatal nurse with Guys & St Thomas Hospital caring for very sick and premature babies. She is fully qualified and conversant with the medical model of health. But during her medical practice, she has also followed her other great passion and spent the last 15 years studying naturopathic health and nutrition. She has studied her field intensively, taken courses and undertaken research, the most recent, with her church as a medical missionary.
Her expertise has grown around the natural laws of health and its implementation in modern society. She is fully conversant with both models of health, allopathic and naturopathic.
Her passion is particularly for women of Africa’s heritage, recognizing that they can add so much more years to their life as well as life to their years.
“The common diseases that are so prevalent in our society today can be prevented as well as reversed and it can be done nutritionally and with natural remedies. The choice is yours - take it.”
Sharon recognizes that every group of people in society today, can and must take control of their own health if both they and their family are to prevent the scourge of dis-ease that is overwhelming people’s life today: metabolic syndrome, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, prostate and breast cancer, poor gut health that is so prevalent, all for lack of knowledge and miss-information which distracts us from the basic principles and foundation of health.
“We are living in deeply perilously and profoundly uncertain times particularly where health and nutrition is concerned. It is such a tragedy that so many people are sleep walking into poor health, lethargy and an early grave. Knowing that these diseases and symptoms of poor health are all easily preventable and reversible, breaks my heart.”
The main aim of the supper club is to educate and empower you to take back control of your health. You will learn natural health solutions to common Dis-ease. Sharon is particularly passionate about good gut health and the gut bacteria in your GI tract known as your microbiome.
“Good digestion is the foundation of good health and its impact on overall health is undisputed.”
To this end Sharon has dedicated her focus and educated herself on this topic and so has a keen interest in the art of fermentation.
To support this, she has developed several flagship products conducive to the gut biome and therefore to overall health and wellness using live cultures.
“My products are easy to produce at home, taste great, in addition to been healthy, nutritious and easy to digest.”
Join Sharon’s Supper club today.
You will be inspired as you discover ways to increase energy, detoxify the body, boost your immunity, reduce food allergies and other digestive problems by what you eat - natural wholefood, mainly plant based, full of live Pre and probiotics, organic and delicious.
“Give the body what it needs, and it will heal itself.”
When? Saturday 3rd August 2019
Where? The Shakti Rooms, 3rd Floor Avebury House, 55 Newhall Street, Birmingham, B3 3RB
Why? Because everyone deserves to live a long and fulling life.
Reservations £29 per diner.
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