Want to know what your thoughts are?

Want to know what your thoughts are?

Look at your results!

Our current results are a perfect “outer” reflection of our ‘inner’ paradigms.

Our paradigms act like an internal thermostatic setting on all aspects of our life. Our paradigms are simple… they are basically a set of beliefs, feelings and actions that shape our current results.

So in your case, if say you have been struggling with procrastination or distraction, or you’d love to up-level your business, creating new, long-term, sustainable results, this requires the installation of a new paradigm.

Our paradigms show up as distraction, delay, dissuasion, and disaster. So other things suddenly seem more important than those tasks that will help us to achieve our goals. Family, friends, housework or yard work, cooking to fill up the freezer, gardening, shopping...

You get distracted and don’t finish your project, or you decide you’ll work on it later, you may start to feel like you’ll never accomplish it and talk yourself out of wanting it or that it's important, realistic or achievable any more.

You may even have a bit of a breakdown.

I’m sure you have experienced some of these, right?

How do I Shift My Paradigms?

There are only two ways to change our paradigms and change our results:

1. A proper structure of support. A proven coaching program that provides constant, spaced-time repetition to help you install your NEW empowering belief on a subconscious level (aka: Installing a new set point for your success in your desired business outcome and overcoming procrastination to achieve your big goals).

2. A VERY strong emotional impact.

(Unfortunately – MOST people wait and don’t get into a structure of support and therefore don’t change until they have a “wake-up” call, like an accident, illness, divorce, etc.

However, there are events like having a baby or getting married that can be a positive paradigm shifter as well.

The goal is when you hear the first whispers of the Universe trying to get your attention, LISTEN and get into a structure of support.

For 15 minutes with me to find out more about a structure of support, and my Business Blueprint for Balancing Family Life and Business Support book with here: https://bit.ly/CandCo15


