Want to know what 2025 holds for the Mobility industry ?

Want to know what 2025 holds for the Mobility industry ?

Check out our Mobility Outlook for 2025 ??

1?? Sustainability must rhyme with cost efficiency. Sustainability is essential, but balancing it with cost efficiency is crucial for authorities. Pressure to optimize investments will be strong and technology will be used as an enabler to do more with the same.?

2??Multimodal is the new norm. Seamlessly integrating buses, trams, bikes, and more across cities and regions is now non-negotiable. Networks will implement more and more solutions which can connect easily multiple modes to shape a true end-to-journey from the traveller standpoint.

3?? The everyday traveller takes center stage. We will see adoption of innovative solutions centered around the travellers which foster adoption of public transit usage: Account-Based Ticketing, Open Payment, new MaaS services, disruption management,… It’s critical to encourage day-to-day travellers to let their private car in the garage !

4??Intelligence (and value) is shifting from hardware to software. Replacement of legacy hardware technologies by cloud-native solutions (like Account-Based Ticketing) will accelerate bringing more agility, cost savings to networks and enable new services !?

5?? SaaS platforms fuel continuous innovation. Authorities are realizing that bespoke projects are costly, complex to maintain and rigid over time, and are turning towards SaaS platforms which bring innovation to the community in a constant manner. They will play more and more a role of orchestrators combining these best-of-breed solutions which can integrate easily between each other.

6?? Time to play with AI. AI is transforming many industries and public transit is on the list too. AI holds a tremendous potential to optimize networks and maximize supply/demand. We will see in 2025 many networks experimenting new solutions and technology players including AI into their offering..

?? From all of us at Matawan, we wish you a 2025 filled with bold projects, meaningful partnerships, and groundbreaking innovations. Let’s make this year a pivotal moment for transforming our networks and reshaping our industry together.



