Want to Know A Secret of Successful Entrepreneurs? Follow This and Transform Your Business
Terri Levine
Helping ?? Heart-Centered Coaches & Consultants ?? Finally Find Freedom and Fulfillment (...By Building a Business That Aligns with Your Values & Virtues!)
I want to talk to you today about masterminds. This is a really significant topic. I just concluded my mastermind with some fantastic people in Mexico a few weeks ago.
A mastermind is a collection of people who support and learn from one another. I wanted to share because it was such a fantastic experience that I plan to replicate in Philadelphia in October and, of course, in Mexico next year.
The most effective mastermind groups are made up of exceptional, highly motivated leaders who collaborate to find solutions to problems, give each other advice, and encourage each other to new heights of success.
And that is exactly what is happening.
The most effective mastermind groups have members who operate as each other's personal board of advisors. That is why I often refer to my mastermind groups as peer advisory boards. According to my mastermind group, they are still collaborating and will be for the full year. By giving each other frank, caring, and constructive criticism, critiquing each other's work, and holding each other accountable, they support one another in maximizing business opportunities.
Think and Grow Rich
Think and Grow Rich author Napoleon Hill referred to steel magnate Andrew Carnegie as a "mastermind" in his publications, detailing Carnegie's ascent. Carnegie ascended from modest beginnings to become the richest person on the planet. Carnegie thought that "the sum of all these minds" that he had gathered around him held the key to his company's success rather than his own brilliance. This led to the emergence of the term "mastermind." According to Napoleon Hill, the master mind principle was the single most important thing that enabled him to succeed.
I heartily recommend reading Think and Grow Rich if you have not already.
Joining a mastermind has many advantages, and there are methods to determine if a mastermind is right for you. I just want to go over a few of the highlights for now, but if you think you would like to attend and receive a special invitation to the one in the Philadelphia area in October, please DM me with the word "mastermind" and I will get in touch with you.
Now, once more, think about Andrew Carnegie's strategy of fusing the greatest number of viewpoints into one master intellect.
It is not new, as I have already mentioned. A lot of people think that this comes from the Bible. The apostles of Jesus Christ provided an example of how a group can use the skills of its members to further its goals. All successful individuals throughout history have one thing in common: they all mastermind in some way.
I have to use Ben Franklin because I live close to Philadelphia. When he was twenty-one years old, I think it was in 1727, he decided that instead of meeting with each of his contacts individually, he would prefer to network with them in a group setting. With twelve other people, he founded the Junto Club.
Every Friday night for the next 38 years, the group got together. Franklin arranged the meetings, which took place at various venues. I believe they moved into an apartment after first meeting in a tavern. To help facilitate these get-togethers, he created a list of thought-provoking questions that would lead to meaningful conversations. It is what I did in Mexico just now. He also said that the group was truly remarkable. Together, the club members established the University of Pennsylvania, the first distinguished library in the history of the United States, the Pennsylvania Hospital, and a volunteer fire department.
The support they received from one another had a big impact on the club members' success. Thus, the mastermind members are essential, in my view. Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Harvey Firestone, and John Burroughs were among the masterminds who went on to improve road safety and travel quality in the United States, I believe, in 1944. The group started taking annual road trip vacations over a more than 10-year period. I believe these lasted around two weeks apiece, and the group got to learn and relax together. They named themselves the Vagabonds, which I thought was really great.
Disney Pixar
In the 1990s, Pixar started experimenting with remaking animated movies. Filmmakers have long been required to receive notes from studio executives. Furthermore, the notes continued to produce a bland formula, even though it is obvious that they were meant to guarantee a certain degree of success.
You and Your Tribe
Rather than employing antiquated techniques, Pixar's directors and writers established an internal brain trust and gave helpful criticism on each other's unfinished work. After that, the directors chose which recommendations to put into practice. The Brain Trust has now requested that students update their storyboards to address the issues they found and submit them back, based on their revisions and feedback. The directors of Pixar assert that they were successful in using this tactic.
This led to narrative that was both revolutionary and incredibly captivating. Becoming a member of a peer advisory board offers financial and psychological advantages, claims Think and Grow Rich. Napoleon Hill asserts that almost every great fortune has been built upon this type of cooperative collaboration. The key to your financial success could be found in this straightforward fact.
After that, I looked into how to obtain the material and mental advantages that Napoleon Hill mentions by carefully examining what seemed to be the 12 main benefits of a mastermind.
Having the advice and support of people I respect is one of the most crucial things for me, right? Thus, you should come and present your problem or obstacle to a mastermind group without a doubt. Moreover, tell people who genuinely respect you about your accomplishments. Humans are social creatures. It is in our nature to form close-knit communities.
We help one another and learn from one another in this way. In the words of Seth Godin, "humans seek to share their gifts with others in a tribe." I see sharing as a secondary benefit. That is where the benefits start to mount up. In order to effect change, we must first identify the problems we wish to address, the ones that fall within our purview, and the variables that affect those particular areas. Lastly, we need to figure out what needs to be done to make a difference.
It may be challenging to carve out time when running your daily business to approach complex problems in this manner. You will get questions and feedback from other brilliant minds when you share with a mastermind group as opposed to just yourself or one coach, consultant, or adviser. This is why journaling or discussing issues with a coach or therapist is much less beneficial. I believe that a great mastermind is a group of people who will be there for you no matter what, will listen to you, and will even support you when you need to vent.
Did you ever discover, after a year of following a plan, that there was an even better option available all along? Maybe you were convinced to buy a product or service by an online video or recommendation, only to find out later that the system has a lot of issues. This presents another problem for masterminds to overcome. An issue for entrepreneurs is isolation. Since we are the only ones who genuinely care about protecting our company's interests, it will be expensive to solve any issues while we are operating alone.
Furthermore, there is a far larger opportunity cost. Additionally, you can cut down on the amount of time you spend working inefficiently if you regularly listen to criticism. Reputable mastermind groups can give you honest feedback from prosperous entrepreneurs. During our twice-yearly meetings, our masterminds can assist you in refining your personal and business strategy. This year, we are with you. Additionally, we can act as your company's advisory board during a crisis, offering suggestions and guidance to help you improve even further and maintain focus.
One of my favorite things about this is that you can correct your course faster when you receive quick, insightful criticism rather than waiting to do it on your own. And I understand how challenging it can be to get constructive criticism, whether it is from a coworker, supervisor, life partner, or other relevant party. Bias, extreme pessimism, selfishness, apathy, or unwavering support could taint the advice. However, if you speak with the board of advisors for your mastermind, you will get their guidance on how to move forward in a positive and constructive manner toward your objectives.
Therefore, when you are lacking inspiration, I am urging you to use your brain to come up with ideas. Then, let the members of our mastermind group, who come from a variety of backgrounds and viewpoints, lead you in a brainstorming session and assist you in discovering fresh angles based on the range of ideas you will hear. Being the leader of your group, I will definitely give you advice. The group will also support you in refining your leadership skills, coming up with ideas to increase revenue, and streamlining your business operations.
And you really do grow from this crucial information and important feedback. It would have taken years for many of the members of my mastermind group to acquire this knowledge—many of them have acquired it in just a few minutes—if they had not had a mastermind. In my role as facilitator, I make connections between each participant and the appropriate level of knowledge to make sure the mastermind goes smoothly. Members with a wide range of expertise and experience are chosen by me.
I think this advisory board's structure—which the genius provided—is helpful when making important decisions. I therefore want you to know that you will have time at each meeting to discuss anything that calls for the group's expertise. We have had all-new objectives, all-new marketing ideas, all-new programs, all-new costs, personnel, leadership, social media, websites, and everything in our groups. We also find ways to work together and support one another in our business endeavors so that you can utilize both your team's and your own skills more effectively.
It is possible to form joint ventures and discover new business prospects. Combined resources can also result in financial savings. My goodness, you can swap recommendations. It's as if you're collaborating on business ventures.
DM me the Word "mastermind."
I want you to know that this is not the advisory board's responsibility, with the possible exception of a referral or partnership proposal.
The whole strength of a master intellect exceeds the sum of its parts. It is a gathering where individuals help one another, give advice, and get to know one another. Furthermore, it may have a big impact in the future. I will put you in touch with a group that will be very supportive because I am the facilitator and leader of this group. Not a single person is present to compete. And I make a big effort to make sure that everyone in my group gets along culturally. And after running masterminds for almost 30 years, I am really happy with all the wonderful connections and synergies that have emerged.
A mastermind group can assist you in growing and scaling your business and way of thinking, all while helping you accomplish a short-term objective. It will support your ability to maintain attention on your company's bigger picture. Additionally, as an entrepreneur, you can greatly benefit from the group's outside perspectives. Putting their advice to use will help you build a more valuable, successful, and efficient business that you can eventually sell.
According to Will Rogers, there are two ways to learn new things: through reading and by interacting with smarter people. That quote has been used a lot by me. Effective strategies emerge quickly, as our most recent group in Mexico taught me. The Mastermind group covered all things technological, including how to practice and establish protocols. At this very moment, members of my Mastermind are acquiring a competitive edge. They know what works, what is still a little off, and what kinds of experiences to share.
Many hours and dollars that might not result in much of a return can be saved. That is a common occurrence in business. As is the case in all of my mastermind groups, you might also happen to meet someone by chance and they really open doors of opportunity for you. Gaining the support of fellow thinkers and all of our masterminds can open doors you never would have imagined. I could go on and on introducing people to people like Jack Canfield and Dr. Joe Vitale.
I will tell you what, the most important thing to do if you want to grow quickly is to make connections. Surely, this is not networking? The goal of this is to create strong business partners. as well as to contribute. I am very generous with contact information, and so are the other participants during a mastermind. Thus, the mastermind will be of great use to you if you are prepared to return the favor.
I recognize that if minor issues go unaddressed, you might experience anxiety and worry and keep putting things off until later. These are the kinds of things that make obstacles. For this reason, you require a mastermind. We will talk and work things out before problems cause you or your company significant distress. Together with the other group members and myself, you will debate them. I want your business to become easier, and that will happen when you routinely talk about the issues that are affecting it. I therefore ask you to consider your goals for the remainder of the year, including any challenges you hope to solve, as our group members will work with and on your behalf to achieve them.
I will make this possible, and we will help you reach your objectives. If you have a strong desire to see other ambitious people succeed and are willing to be held accountable and supported, it's time to DM "mastermind." Being accountable for your activities is a highly effective way to inspire yourself, move forward, complete goals, learn new skills, and advance your professional development.
Three-Tiered Commitment
Our masterminds follow a three-tiered commitment framework. First, we ask that you make a sincere vow to yourself. We then want you to pledge something to someone else, and lastly, we want you to pledge your allegiance to the mastermind as a whole. We enforce your promise-keeping in this way. In doing so, we help you go beyond just wishing for your goals to come true. We will hold you responsible as peers, in a compassionate manner. This is how we will serve as your advisory board, supporting and advocating for you. The mastermind will provide you with the incentive you need to succeed.
Many of the people who engage in my mastermind groups literally turn up every week to discuss their achievements. It makes a huge impact. I've already seen one person who has a lot more confidence, less worry, a support system, and is navigating what could have been difficult times in her career with ease and grace.
So I've given you a lot of information on masterminding, and I'm encouraging you to join this group to achieve remarkable outcomes.
Don't forget, as Jim Rohn said, that the person you spend the most time with will determine your normal personality, and the five people you spend the most time with will determine your earnings. As a member of one of my mastermind groups, you will develop both personally and professionally. I certainly guarantee it. In fact, if you've gone to the mastermind and don't feel like you've gotten anything out of it, simply approach me at the end of the first day and say, "Not the right fit." No questions asked; we will gladly refund your entire investment.
This is a direct invitation. This is the rationale. It is coming up in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, on October 4–6. DM me "mastermind.". Let's see if you're a good fit. And if you are, I will welcome and nurture you and my mastermind community, and I will provide you with a full year of assistance.
DM "mastermind".