Want to know how to get clients without talking? Read this!
Laura Figueroa-Scott
I ghostwrite Educational Email Courses for Leadership Consultants | 10+ years as a Group Leader & Management Coach
I suddenly realized the person I was talking to had not said anything for I don’t know how long.
I had been going on and on about why coaching is vitally important to people, particularly people who want to be high performers and successful and… and… and…
Finally, they spoke.
“Yeah, OK…but what does this do for me?”
The question surprised me. I didn’t know how to respond.
And that was the real problem.
I had just started my coaching business and I was excited. I got certified, a whole bunch of training, and I believed I was set with all I needed to get all the clients I wanted easily.
I mean, shouldn’t it be that easy?
To me, coaching is essential equipment for life, for business, for health, or for anything that matters that you still have not achieved. It’s a no-brainer.
To me.
Not to whomever I may be speaking to.
It turns out that I was speaking endlessly about what matters to me about coaching and personal development and not spending any time thinking about or asking the person in front of me what they wanted or needed.
I simply assumed they would understand what I was saying and why it applied to them.
They didn’t.
A total rookie mistake, that.
After a few weeks of talking AT people and turning them off of being my client, I was talking to someone I knew from a previous entrepreneurial venture and I mentioned what I was doing now.
Not going to lie, I was pretty defeated by that time.
He was actually interested. So I took a chance and asked a question I hadn’t asked before.
“What do you need help with most right now?”
And then, I just shut up and listened to him.
Who knew what kind of power one question and some shutting up could have?
It turns out he was on a plateau that he could not find his way off by himself and I told him I could help him with that. Just like that, I had my first client.
It was a huge lesson in what we really need to focus on to build our businesses: we need to learn what specific problems people have that need a solution, and one you know you can provide.
It totally changes the conversation for you.
Instead of the long, rambling, desperate-for-clients pitch I was giving, I was instantly able to come from a place of confidence which changed the tone of what I was saying and how I said it.
Best of all, it was the best editor ever. I found I did not have to say much then.
I needed to ask about them.
It did not have to be this big production or hard sale, my inquiry needed to be compassionate and understanding.
That way, you can give your prospect the space to open up and begin to create a relationship with you.
As business owners, getting leads and clients is always going to be our number one concern but if we come ready to provide solutions to specific problems, and give the person room to talk about their frustrations, we have a greater opportunity to serve the people who have responded to our message.
As it happens, your message is the very thing I would most like to talk with you about.
That’s what I can do for you. I can help you develop targeted messaging that resonates with what your audience is concerned about on your social media.
Please DM me to talk about what you need to connect with your audience better.
I look forward to listening to what you need and then discussing what we can do together.
Laura “Your Undercover Copywriter” Scott
#smallbusiness #entrepreneurship #SMB #businessowner #startup #coachingsuccess #leadershipcoach #careercoaching #lifecoach #mindsetmastery