Want To Improve Writing Efficiency?
The Knobull team has found that no matter how many articles you read about how to become a good writer or how to write a thousand words a day, the problem of efficiency remains, and it is not because advice in this category lacks creativity.
Changing the amount or quality of information will not alter the ability of writers. The real secret is to understand behavior. The key to its performance is the ability to transform literary activity into a habit, like brushing your teeth.
If you want to create something worthwhile, then you have to tow the line between the demands of the world and your ambitions. Yes, we all have bills to pay, and obligations before others. But for many of us, it is a vast gulf between what we want and what we need. Bridging the gap includes:
Block social networking and email for a few hours;
Focus and write 30–45 minutes without stopping;
Do not schedule any meetings early in the day. As a reward (for yourself and others, wink), finish what you write. For most writers, the creation is the reward itself, but external validation is nice to have, too.
Take a short break;
Spend some time on your favorite activity;
These bits of advice will help you to overcome difficulties in the writing, improve your content and its efficiency.
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