Want A Happy Marriage Answer the Following question genuinely
Ihejiene Ujunwa
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Character and Attitude is the most impact in marriage.
Selfishness is the bane of marriage, self centered is not good.
Married people,
you people should come close let's have a little talk.
Take pen and paper, write out this questions and answer yourself,
if the answers are not favourable, please work on yourself.
Instead of pointing fingers at each other, every married person should start evaluating his/her self, lets see how to rescue marriage.
With this broken family here and there, we can never have a sane society. We need to conquer this, as humanity
Ask yourself this questions
If you die today, do you think your spouse will really miss you or your death will be like a relief to him/her.
Will your spouse be willing to marry you again if given an opportunity.
Is your marriage a blessing to your spouse or a source of bitterness.
Will your children wish their marriage to be like yours.
How many sacrifice have you put in your marriage in order to make it work.
When last did you deliberately appreciate your spouse for the sacrifice he/she had made in this marriage.
The answers to this question will x-ray how healthy your marriage is
If I ask you to submit the answers to me, you may lie, but I know you can't lie to your conscience.
Do this and work on yourself.
The foundation for marriage has been bastardized and until we get that foundation right, we can only move from bad to worse.
How many persons in our society marry because they're in love? I know people will be quick to answer this question, but the truth is, how many person would marry their partner if they didn't have the financial/social class they had as at the point of marriage?
Our focus when it comes to marriage have become more material than love. Bible say "love covered multitude of sin" however, material things don't.
Until we return to biblical standards for marriage it will keep crashing, until virginity and morality takes its rightful place, marriages will keep failing and society will continually get the impact of these failed marriages.
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