Want a happy life? Spend more time in your future ideal state
Vivienne Joy - Add NLP Coaching to Your Business
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It’s so easy to stay in the past, isn’t it? It’s easy to dwell on things, to spend time focusing on all the negative things that have happened, and to believe that you’ll never move away from those memories and traumas. The problem with that mindset is that you’ll never be able to imagine a different life, let alone create the dream-like future that you want to make a reality.?
Moving away from all of these negatives and spending more time in your future ideal state is something that can actually help you get there. In NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) we call this future timeline.?
The first thing you need to do is think about what you want your future ideal state to look like. What are your core values? What are the things that mean the most to you? Is it that you want to help people? Is it that you want a six-figure income? Is it that you want to work less hours? Is it that you want to create another business aside from the one you have? Whatever it is in your mind that you want your life and business to look like in your future, write it down.?
Next, you need to look at your current state. What is happening in your life/business right now? Where are you at? What is it you are doing? What outcomes are there right now moving towards of all these things? What is making you happy? What is making you miserable? Write it all down and really assess everything that is going on.
Then you need to look at the gaps between the future state you want and the current state you have. What needs to be different and what do you need to change, in order for you to live that life you’re dreaming about? Often Coaches use a powerful process called The Wheel of Life, which essentially gets you to rate yourself in different life areas. I run this as a 7-step multi-part self coaching course and sometimes as a live group coaching.
Only then, can you really start making the plans you need to make in order to get there. It doesn’t have to be all at once, but little things make big shifts and so the earlier you start this, the quicker you can get there.
Something that can really help is to spend more of your now time living in that future state. Leaving behind the negatives of the current life and imagining the life you are dreaming of - you could even make it a reality a bit at a time. Say you wanted to only work three days a week in your business and you currently work five - for just one week, make that three-day week happen. See what it is really like - see what other things you are able to do on those two days. If you get an actual glimpse of the reality, you’ll be more pushed to get yourself there! If you need help with this, I’m happy to speak to you.