Want a guarantee that you’ll get the job?
Catherine Jewell, Career Coach
Boost Your Salary and Find a Job Faster! | LinkedIn Career Expert | Target Job Identification | Resumes | Interview Prep | Executive Networking | Salary Negotiations | Author of Empowered Networking
5 Reasons to Ask for the Job
We all know how nerve-wracking job interviews can be. But did you know that a few words at the end of the interview can almost guarantee you’ll get the job? Ask for it. Yes, you read that right! Asking for the job can be a game-changer. Here’s why:
1. Show your enthusiasm and confidence. Asking for the job demonstrates that you are genuinely interested and enthusiastic about the position. It shows confidence and assures the interviewer that you’re ready to take on the challenge. Confidence is contagious, and employers love to see it!
2. Clarify any doubts. By asking for the job, you give the interviewer a chance to voice any concerns or questions they might have about your fit for the role. This opens the door for you to address any potential issues right then and there, leaving no room for uncertainty.
3. Reaffirm your interest. Expressing your desire to join the team reassures the employer that you’re not just casually looking for any job, but you specifically want this one. It’s a great way to differentiate yourself from other candidates who might not be as proactive.
4. Leave a strong impression. Asking for the job helps you stand out in the interviewer’s mind. It’s a bold move that many candidates don’t make, so it can make you more memorable.
5. Create a sense of urgency. When you ask for the job, you subtly create a sense of urgency. It prompts the interviewer to think more critically about your application and can sometimes expedite the decision-making process. It shows that you’re ready to move forward and get started.
Here’s a little psychological insight: people generally like to provide what they are asked for. When you ask for something, it triggers a sense of obligation in the other person to respond positively, especially if they already have a favorable impression of you. So, by asking for the job, you’re tapping into this psychological principle, increasing your chances of getting a “Yes!”
Remember, you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain by asking for the job. It’s a simple yet powerful technique. So, next time you’re in an interview, muster up that confidence and ask for the job!
On your side,
Catherine Jewell
The Career Passion? Coach
PS: Watch for my newsletter next week. I’ll give you specific language you can use to ask for the job without sounding like you’re begging.
PPS: Interviewing now? Think about working with me to prepare. I have special rates for interview prep. Use this link to get on my calendar for a complimentary consultation.
Helping entrepreneurs lease & buy office/industrial space in the Austin Area for 26 years
7 个月I love this advice. When the employer is interviewing a number of applicants, this technique would make you stand out!