You want to get more views on social media but not sure how to go about it?? Nervous to get started?? Or maybe even overwhelmed by the thought of it all?? (I get it)
It's hard to grow your audience and keep them engaged if you don't have a plan in place.?
- Make sure your profile is set up with a bio, cover photo, and link to your website.? The bio should be short, sweet and engaging.? Cover photo can vary from an updated photo of yourself, company logo or an icon representative of your brand.? Linking to your website will allow you to track the number of clicks.
- Consistency is key.? Post regularly and consistently so followers know when they can expect new content from you.? This seems like an obvious step, but it's surprising how many people do not take the time to post on a regular basis. The more postings you have, the more engaged your followers will be.
- Track what posts get the most likes/comments so you know which ones work best.? Using a social media management software tool, like Metricool, will help pull together data from different sources into one place so you can review and improve your strategy.
- Respond to comments on social media as quickly as possible.? Engagement is critical to someone knowing, liking and trusting you.? Try to use thought provoking and authentic responses vs the usual emoji smiley face!
Take action on each of these steps with your target customer in mind.? Be authentic to your brand’s values and voice.? The engagement is sure to follow.
If you’re still feeling overwhelmed, feel free to reach out and let’s chat!