Want to get more purpose from your sales calls?
D. Matt Scherer
I help those traveling on their personal transition highway capitalize on LinkedIn and its networking power to advance their lives and careers
Do you like a lot of purpose to any of your sales calls and those without any business motive?
So do I.
That's why I was glad to recently take part in a sales training program offered by Angel Salinas and Sandler Sales Training. Angel took me and about others through sales training that helped me in two hours.
My job does not have a sales title to it. Yet, any business executive knows there's a major sales aspect to their job. Angel showed me how to become more purposeful in telephone calls to current and potential clients after the training.
Thanks to this class, I learned how to set the tone to a call by first agreeing with the other participant on the time given and our objectives. I learned too how to set time for a follow-on call if needed. After all, not every call is going to lead to a future engagement.
The class I attended is part of an 8-week program Angel offers. He's also offering a condensed two-day class in San Antonio at the Wisenbaker Center. You can find more by calling him at 210-361-8122. Mention my name, "Matt" and you'll get a significant discount.
(Note: I'm a partner with Angel and several others on LinkedIn and Sales training. However, I wouldn't have posted this without seeing my own personal benefit from one of his courses.)