Want to fix a strained relationship at work, with a manager, co-worker, or  client?

Want to fix a strained relationship at work, with a manager, co-worker, or client?

Do have a strained relationship at work, with a manager, coworker, or client?

If so, I've got a way for you to repair the relationship and renew your confidence and your connection.

I just received an email from a participant in my first Powerful Under Pressure pilot in-person workshop who said "After months of tension between us, we're getting along well again!"

This participant went on to say:?"I was able to discuss the strain between us with him in a productive way. Before your training, I either would have hidden my frustration or accidentally lashed out at him. You gave me great tools for taking care of my emotions, staying objective in conversations, and resolving conflicts. I feel so much more relaxed and confident at work."

When you feel like your connections with your colleagues or co-workers are problematic, that's a prime way you can lose your confidence and power at work.?

If you're experiencing a difficult work relationship, I'd love to help you strengthen it, plus all of your work relationships.

I want to help you to stand strong in pressure-filled situations. So I'm turning the Powerful Under Pressure pilot into a virtual program you can join.

The upcoming Powerful Under Pressure January pilot program starts Tuesday, January 24, and includes six weekly live virtual learning sessions to help you build incredible confidence in challenging situations.

The four pillars of the program will help you to be more powerful under pressure, by training and conditioning you in tools and practices so you can:

  • Keep your emotions in balance. Instead of feeling overpowered by your emotions under pressure, you'll be able to quickly bounce back, feel strong, and do your best thinking.?
  • Stay level-headed. ?In demanding situations, you'll be able to shift into your optimal problem-solving abilities, rather than letting negativity or anxiety grab hold of you.?
  • Foster collaboration.?When conflict arises (and it's inevitable) you'll know how to diagnose what's happening and generate empowering remedies.
  • Know what to say in difficult situations. When conversations get heated or overly emotional, you'll be able to speak up objectively and respectfully. ?

Each week, on Tuesdays from January 24 to February 28, you'll join me on Zoom to learn new power-boosting tools to use in pressure-filled situations. We'll meet from 4-5 pm Pacific, 7-8 pm Eastern each Tuesday.

To ensure you're taking these tools into action, you'll have experiments to try out between sessions. You'll also get a private 1:1 coaching session (which is normally $1500) to help you polish your proficiency in whatever a pressure-filled situation at work, so you can let go of tension and welcome ease.?

This six-week, experiential, interactive pilot program is only $500. (As a comparison, coaching with me starts in the five-figure range, so an incredible value).?

Want to join the pilot program?? Click here to pay online . Or send me a here on LinkedIn and we'll get you enrolled.

Need to know more about the Powerful Under Pressure pilot program? Check out this link for the complete program description.

Have questions about the Powerful Under Pressure pilot??Message me your questions, and I'll send back answers, pronto!?

In a business world that's chaotic, demanding, ever-changing, you deserve to learn the skills that will make you powerful under pressure. I'm here to help you.

Kathy Klotz-Guest MA, MBA

Author, Speaker, Innovator: Do Bold ShiFt! | Leaders & teams who dare to experiment and innovate beyond what's possible | Interactive Improv Keynotes | MC | Workshops | Story | Humorist

1 年

Helpful for sure! A great idea!


Next Trend Realty LLC./wwwHar.com/Chester-Swanson/agent_cbswan

1 年

Well Said.

Marina Erulkar

For funded start-ups to mid-sized company executives, I quickly turn stalled or declining revenue into steady, profitable growth.

1 年

That is wonderful progress, Susan! Strained relationships simply take a high toll--they drain our attention and energy. I'm so glad your client had such remarkable results. And I'm sure their company is too.

Monica Rawicz

100Ninjas. We help business leaders and entrepreneurs by taking crucial, time-consuming tasks off their plate, so they can achieve business goals they never have the time for.

1 年

Your Powerful Under Pressure Program sounds wonderful!

Kirsten Anderson

Helping Leaders & Teams Play with Potential & Performance. Keynote Speaker Facilitator: Psychological Safety + Change + Culture + Creativity/Innovation. Consultant/ Advisor on Bottom-Line Benefits of Playfulness at Work

1 年

Sounds like your program will provide leaders with some seriously helpful emotional intelligence tools to take to their teams


Susan Bernstein, MBA PhD的更多文章