Want To Build Your Occ Med Business?

Want To Build Your Occ Med Business?

Hello Independent Medical Provider. Want to build your Occ Med business? So do we! That's why we do this every day, all day, and we are the only firm that has a proven track record of positive results. We develop and execute custom programs that make sense for your market and your corporate objectives. The thing to know, is this: The big guys have absolutely nothing on you, except that they have the map and the tools to accomplish the journey but, guess what....so do we! And we have a whole bunch of things that they haven't got too! This is why the Providers that use our program experience an average revenue growth of over 30%, year over year. Now if you think that sounds low - its not. In fact, Select Medical recently stated in their Q2 earnings call that net revenue was "relatively flat" for Concentra...in fact "the centers, patient visits increased 2.6%" - only 2.6%, that's it! Of course we realize that they have a plateau effect with their market share but guess what - so did U.S. HealthWorks, and if bragging is appropriate at this moment, then let there be the shameless brag in that my team (the highest producing team at U.S. HealthWorks) produced a 9% growth in the last year that I worked with the organization. Coincidence? I think not. Genius? Definitely not - no not at all! It's just that this is not rocket science, though it is a science to certain extent. So if you are looking to really compete in the market place - contact us and lets get to work because why shouldn't you have the ability to slay the giant in your region when it's really not that hard.




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