Want a better life? Press the reset button!

Want a better life? Press the reset button!

In the interview above, Chad cox discusses being in dark places with a bad attitude, having a short temper, growing up with a drug addicted mother and an alcoholic father, and how he is choosing to intentionally become a better man.


I want to recognize those like Chad Cox above who have joined me on the "Real People Getting Results!" show . They all have one thing in common...a desire to help others become the best version of themselves. You are making a difference in the lives of others who will make a difference in the lives of others. I wish there were more of you. Keep climbing!

Want a better life? Press the reset button!

"It's possible at any moment to push the reset button, to embrace a different way of being, and experience dramatic change." ~ Bob Chapman

The first thing I often tell people I haven’t seen for many years is, “The person you knew in the past doesn’t live here anymore. He moved out years ago.”

Actually, he didn’t move out. I kicked him out because he was holding me back.

In the past, I drank alcohol (started when I was 15), I lived to party every weekend, I had a short-temper, I was very reactive, I was narcissistic, and I blamed others for my circumstances.

But, I chose to press the reset button in 2008 and slowly began my personal transformation. I started working on me, and I will always be working on me.

I haven't had a drop of alcohol or used profanity since 2012. I learned how to be proactive and how to control my emotions. And most importantly, I looked in the mirror and discovered the source of all that was wrong in my life was ME!

Then, I took responsibility for learning how to grow, develop, change, and eventually transform myself.

Today, I've been helping develop leaders and their teams throughout the USA and beyond for more than 15 years. I speak to thousands from the stage each year with a heavy focus on personal growth and leadership development.

If I hadn't chose to press the rest button in 2008, this would not have been possible.

Nothing is stopping you from pressing the reset button on your life except YOU.

Click/Tap above to access resources for personal and organizational transformation.

How did I transform myself?

People who have known me since I was a teenager often ask, "How did you transform yourself?"

The Short Answer

I simply decided I wanted to be a better person. Then, I started making better choices and became a better person.

The Long Answer

I broke it all down on the pages of my book, 10 Foundational Elements of Intentional Transformation: How to Become Your Best Self . Note: You can listen to a 12 part podcast series based on this book here . Listen to a 5 minute audio sample here . Read the Introduction and the first 5 chapters here .

A bit about the book...

If you choose to be proactive, take action, and dive into the book, you must understand it's based on what I call the 10 Foundational Elements of Intentional Transformation.

Each “layer” of the foundation is supported by those layers that come before it. The book is divided into 10 sections, one for each of the foundational layers of transformation. Each section will have three chapters.

The first two chapters of each section are intended to introduce a specific foundational layer and teach you the related fundamental principles you must apply as you move forward with your intentional transformation.

The third chapter in each section is where I pull back the curtain on my life a bit and share some of my personal stories of transformation. You will see where I failed, where I struggled, and where I eventually succeeded.

Transformation requires Motivation and Inspiration

I never share my success stories to impress you. I have no need or any desire to impress you or anyone else. I share my stories to motivate and inspire you in an effort to help you climb to the next level and beyond.

My story is simply that: my story. It is what it is.

I don’t think I’m special. I don’t think I’m better than anyone else.

I do think I’m different than everyone else, and so are you. We are all unique individuals shaped by all of our unique life experiences.

We choose many of our experiences. But, many of our experiences choose us.

Life happens.

We All have a Story

My wife, Ria Story, Leadership Speaker, Author, Trainer , has experienced an amazing transformation of her own after experiencing seven years of extreme sexual abuse by her father and others from age 12-19.

Ria says, “Transparency is the purest form of truth.” I agree. I also believe transparency is telling the truth when you don’t have to simply because you want to. When sharing my supporting stories, my intent is always to be open and transparent.

Note: Ria shared her story in a TEDx talk and three of her books:

  • Ria’s Story from Ashes to Beauty
  • Beyond Bound and Broken: A Journey of Healing and Resilience
  • Bridges Out of the Past: A Survivor’s Lessons on Resilience

These three books detail Ria's unimaginable experiences and explain how she moved beyond surviving and began thriving. Watch Ria's TEDx video and learn more about these books here .

There are many others, like Ria, who have overcome much more than I have and experienced a much more significant transformation than I have.

My story is not their story. I can’t tell their story. I can only tell mine.

All of us who have experienced true transformation have one thing in common. We had to apply the 10 Foundational Elements of Intentional Transformation in order to make it happen. It doesn’t mean we read a book about it and did it. It most likely means we learned the hard way through trial and error. There are no shortcuts. But either way, we had to learn to apply the same principles.

Take Action Now! Press the Reset Button!

You don't have to learn the hard way.

You have a choice.

You can intentionally accelerate your transformation with knowledge, understanding, and focused application of the right principles at the right time in the right way for the right reason.

My intent in the 10 Foundational Elements of Intentional Transformation is to ENCOURAGE, ENGAGE, and EMPOWER you as YOU become more focused and intentional about moving from where you are to where you want to be as YOU create the life YOU want.

You can and will find yourself struggling in some areas while experiencing great success in other areas. That’s normal. Keep climbing!

Your ability to effectively move from where you are to where you want to be in any area of your life will be determined by your ability to transform your thinking relative to that area of your life.

When it comes to true transformation, if you don’t go within, you will go without.


If you truly want to initiate a change that will redirect your life and unleash your potential, focus on transforming yourself.

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Click/Tap above to preview the Intro and first 5 chapters.
"When you intentionally develop your mind, your mind will automatically improve your life!" ~ Mack Story
Atul Phatak

Experienced business development professional clinical research Phase I to Phase IV.

5 个月

Thanks for this insightful, thought provoking post.

Ernest D Hernandez

...we are the instruments that give life to the world around us...

5 个月

The concept of "Personal Protective Mindset" is a game changer. There was one other nugget I can't recall, but I can still feel it. Thank you.


