Let’s put this behind us!!

WANT A BETTER BACKSIDE? Let’s put this behind us!!

Of the 640 muscles in your body the glutes are the largest! However, despite being the biggest they often get little to no training - big mistake!

We spend around sixty percent of our waking hours on our backside - time spent at the work desk, sitting in your car, on the porcelain ‘throne’ or slumped in front of the TV!

Even if you fit in a workout at least a couple of days a week, there’s a good chance you’re sitting too much!

Too much sitting can have a negative effect on your glutes, and even lead to atrophy of the muscles!

If you are committed to building a better, stronger body - developing your glutes is an absolute must!

The glute muscles (gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus) are the prime movers that help us walk, run, jump, lift, stand and bend at the hip.

Having weak glutes can be a major problem, and one weekly ‘leg day’ might not be enough to activate your glutes, build muscle and strength.

Weak glutes often results in poor posture.

That can then strain your lower back and lead to muscle imbalances and potential injuries. Not a nice thought!

However, most people do want a rear that looks good in jeans, and the strength and muscle to follow suit!

The most common exercises to work your glutes are squats and lunges - of which there are hundreds of variations. I recommend you introduce the following into your ‘booty’ workout:

1) Hip Thrusts: Lay on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, palms down. Push your hips upward, and squeeze your glutes at the top of the contraction for a couple seconds. Return to the starting position, and repeat. As you get stronger, you can progress this exercise to Weighted Hip Thrusts.

2) Gluteal Squeeze: If you spend a lot of time sitting, you don’t need to go to the gym to perform this exercise. This is an exercise you can pretty much do anywhere, from standing in line to lying in bed.

Squeeze your glutes tightly. Hold the contraction for a couple second. Release, and repeat.

You’re activating your glutes by doing this and improving the neuromuscular connection to help this major muscle do its job. This is also a great warm-up technique to use when you do train your glutes.

3) Barbell Squats: This classic compound movement can really target your glutes if you go deep enough. But in order to do it, you’ll probably need to lower the weight on the squat rack. Pick a weight you can complete 6 to 12 deep squats with.

Start in a standing position, feet pointed forward shoulder-width apart, with the barbell across your shoulders, behind your neck. Keeping your back straight, squat down and lower your body to just below the height of a chair. Then push up and drive the weight back up to the starting position.

4) Stiff-Leg Barbell Deadlift: Here’s another timeless compound movement that will help build glute strength, muscle, and endurance. Load a barbell with weight you can complete 6 to 12 stiff-leg deadlifts with.

Keeping your legs straight, bend at the hips and grip the bar. Keep your back straight, drive up through the legs, and lift the weight until you’re in standing position. Lower the weight to the ground and repeat.

5) Barbell Split Squats: Start with a weight you can perform 6 to 12 reps of barbell split squats with. Get in starting position by standing in front of a bench with the barbell across your shoulders, behind your neck. Step forward. Place your back foot on the bench.

Keeping your back straight, lower your body by bending at the knee and hip. The forward knee should be in line with the toes. When the forward knee reaches about a 90 degree angle, push up and return to the starting position.

Glute training works well as part of a legs day workout. Hit your glutes once or twice a week in the gym, and you’ll be on your way to getting stronger and building a better backside!

What more could you want!!!!

As usual, any questions fire them over or email [email protected]

Ian David Worthington

Creator, Owner and Coach at GymWolfPT.com


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