Want Answers? Start Asking More Questions!
Before you make changes, before you create new products, before you change your image you must ask questions and get answers from your CUSTOMERS!
Best Source Is Your Customer
What better source for information then from your customers. Every chance you get you should be allowing them easy access to provide as much feedback as possible. Take the results and make changes. Times are changing and customers needs and wants are changing too.
Collecting Customer Feedback
To learn how to start collecting solid customer feedback, check out my previous article “Business Strategy Based on Knowledge Instead of Belief.” Here I explain the difference between knowledge and belief.
Stop Going Off Your Gut Feeling
With so many resources now available there is no reason to act based on your gut instincts. Look to your customer service reviews, social media, customer feedback cards and any other form of communication you allow for a chance for customers to give their opinion and feedback. This will help you plan and build your products and services based on what your customer needs and wants are.
Learn More Here:https://www.activategroupinc.com/2014/12/the-most-important-conversation-you-should-have/