Want Ad- Employee to Company
After many years of working, hiring and applying I’ve been thinking about job descriptions.?
What would a job description look like for a potential employee posting for companies to hire them?? All that came to my mind is an old-fashioned Personal Ad.? It would go something like this:
An imperfect human looking for a company that will hire them based on their merits, potential, willingness and ultimately someone that cares.? This human, just as others, brings years of work experience giving up their work/life balance, caring for others sometimes more than their own families, taking blame for actions or inactions that they didn’t do, and all the while just seeking respect.? Many of us are now lacking confidence and hope, but still trying to find the right fit as they know they have much to offer.? Life has a way sometimes of hitting back, BUT all is good. Truly.
Skills and Qualifications to partner us include, but not limited to:
·???????? Must be willing to think about ‘multi-tasking’ and asking if employees can multi-task.? There are enough ‘Ted Talks’ and science that shows we don’t multi-task.? Instead, we focus on each task to do it well. Yes, we can do several tasks if we are allowed to focus.? Yes, we can prioritize to ensure the right ones are done first.? Yes, we will fail if asked to do too many things at once.? Personally, when taking a call – I like to jot notes so when time I can respond accordingly.? Yes, I can look up information while customers speak. ?But be careful what you are really asking of employees.? Caring about a customer should not be part of multi-tasking, it is the priority.?
·???????? Must truly care and not just provide ‘stuff’ or food while working through their meals.
·???????? Must be willing to coach, develop and help humans grow.
·???????? Must be willing to hold human accountable as that is all the human wants is respect, dignity, and an opportunity.
·???????? Must be imperfect and be okay with that.
·???????? Must listen to all levels and be willing to do any job that is needed.
·???????? Must be willing to roll up sleeves and do the dirty work just as others do.
·???????? Must be willing to work all the shifts that the humans do to understand what happens. If not work, then at least listen to all shifts.
·???????? Must have the same benefits as the humans.
·???????? Must have resources or willing to let the humans create the resources.
·???????? Must allow systems to work equally for all vs. against.
·???????? Must have the same level of integrity that the humans are expected to hold to.
·???????? Must be willing to pull back the curtains for everyone to see the vision and truly be able to live the value and mission.?
·???????? Must ensure that human performance is measured fairly with 360 feedback that weighs far more than subjective.
·???????? Must allow the humans to share the voice of customers.
·???????? Must allow the humans to submit ideas and be credited for those ideas.
·???????? Must NOT REQUIRE attendance at company events that are outside of work hours or on weekends as they impede upon family time.?Voluntary is just that.
·???????? Must NOT EXPECT all humans to want to ‘move up’ in the company.? Some humans just want to work, do their job to the best of their ability and go home.?
·???????? Must allow the humans to do their best without having someone look over shoulder all of the time.? “He who can be trusted with little, can be trusted a lot.”
·???????? Must NOT have the humans do any work that the management team is not willing to do themselves.
IF this sounds good, then know that that there are many humans that would love this partnership.? We understand and want you (company) to understand that we will will work hard for you, be as loyal as can be, will not do harm to the company nor customer, will not expect anything more than just fair and respectful treatment.? We employees understand that we must perform to the best of our ability and as all humans at this company, grow as humans into the best of themselves as possible.
Oh, this human does enjoy pina coladas, walks on beach, walks in the rain, food that is tasty and music with a beat.? Look forward to hearing from you.