WannaCry : Are you secure or Lucky?
What is WannaCry?
It's basically a kind of malware hitting operating systems, starts on 12.May and still spreading as of today.
The effect is all PC data will be encrypted and will not be accessible at all meaning unless you pay money to decrypt the data.
The worst is, day by day the number of infected systems are increasing and the number of target countries as well.
As of today, WannaCry has hit more than 300,000 computers, in more than 150 Countries!
How does it work? How did it start? ..etc.
All these are good questions to answer, but what happened has happened, there will be a way or another to recover.
The Question is If you are not affected yet, is it because you are secure enough or you are just lucky and not on the attackers' list?
At all scenarios here 3 steps that everyone should do and maintain in the future:-
- Backup your data.
- Update the antivirus software and the patches for the operating system.
- Careful about suspicion emails and unknown files ( I would recommend disabling hide extensions option for files)