Wanna get more support from your partner?

Wanna get more support from your partner?

... here's what you do.


Let me say it's a tough issue for many in our business.

If you have a significant other, you definitely want to get them onboard.

Not every couple can be a power team, with both fully engaged in the biz.

My husband never "did the business"... but he was with me all the way.

And you need to make sure your partner is on the same page.

And it's up to YOU to make that happen.

Because if your partner is not supportive, that's a problem.

It's hard enough to build a successful network marketing business without constantly getting flak on the home front.

And I'm lucky that my hubby (although had a few teething problems to me not being able to pick him up from the pub because I was too busy watching training or loving what I was doing ;-), still, was very supportive from the very first day.

Before we were even married.

He was supportive then.

He was supportive 3 years later when I had invested a ton of money into my business and wasn't getting much in return!

He continues to be my biggest supporter with or without any results, (thank god!)


That's THREE long years of struggle before seeing much results apart from a few a wins here or there, but with a huge credit card bill to clear, we could never quite enjoy too much of the earnings.

And my team had all disappeared so it was just me left starting fresh, never giving up!

So how the heck did I pull that off?

Well, let me tell you.


I sold him on where we were going.

More importantly, I sold him on ME, and how I would deliver on those promises.

Your partner has to buy into YOU and your vision before the checks come.


I went to work.

Although I struggled for what felt like a long time, working night after night after I got home from my day job, quick dinner then up to my office to pound the keyboard!

He'd be asleep before I came to bed most nights.

We barely saw each other for a while but he knew why I was doing it.

He picked up dinner when I was in the middle of something...

And never moaned (well maybe a little in the beginning but it didnt' last long ;-)

But the really cool part, is he was actually the courage behind my decision to walk away from my job and go all in!

I kept saying I wanted to but didn't quite have the guts to actually do it until he said to me one day...

"I want you to quit your job, I know you can do it!"

It actually chokes me up just thinking about that special moment that I'll treasure forever!

He knew I could do it more than I did myself at times.

And it was because I had a system that worked.

I had made some pretty some moolah at times.

It wasn't much at first.

And it came and went a bit.

But even with a few months after quitting my job, of literally NO income from my side, a little bit pf panic was sitting into my view, but not his!

I never doubted my decision to leave my stable and steady salary behind.

Somehow we pulled through and kept the lights on.

Food in the fridge, a bit of budgeting and tightening the purse when needed.

What made him and my know it was ok to leave my job?

He knew how committed I was to OUR success and I had a system!

Because the truth is...

Most people never make a real commitment.

And unless you do, you'll have a very hard time getting your partner to be on the same page with you.

The BEST way to get and keep their support is with cash in the bank.

And today, I know that you don't have to struggle for years to do it.

Using attraction marketing, even a wet behind the ears greenie can start getting paid very quickly.

In fact...

After you get this training turn to page 29.

And you'll quickly see how to get paid EVEN IF your prospects never join your business.

I know, sounds weird, but this strategy works like crazy.

Plus, it's also the easiest way to generate leads for your network marketing business.

If you're ready to start seeing results...

CLICK HERE and grab your copy of Attraction Marketing Formula NOW.

Talk soon

Jenny Stevens

Founder & CEO of Jenny Stevens Coaching



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