Wanna be Entrepreneurs
“93.6% of Indians show a desire to become an entrepreneur. This is way above the average score of 55% for all the 44 countries (studied),” the annual report by the US-based $9.5 billion multi-level marketing company.
It's bullshit!!!!!!!!!
According to the GEM India Report (FY 21–22), India's entrepreneurial activity increased in 2021, with the country's total entrepreneurial activity rate (the percentage of adults (aged 18–64) who are starting or running a new business) rising to 14.4% in 2021, up from 5.3% in 2020.
Wanna Entrepreneurs just want to be entrepreneurs, but don't really want to agree with the challenges and accept the fact of issues they are going to face.
93% want to be an entrepreneur in our country but only 14.4% are actually are, I too want to run a marathon and sing a song with sir Sonu Nigam, I want that - but I will not sacrifice myself, my time, my efforts for it.
In the induction of newcomers in our university, we have a stall to promote hugg.co.in . I got an opportunity to interact with 18 years old kids and deep dive into their minds while having conversations.
Witnessing a great crowd, some visited our stall because of our vision or because they are wanna-be entrepreneurs. Wanna-be entrepreneurs visited us and they ask some unwanted and unexpected questions, like what is your client base, where it is positioned, what are your competitors, and how are you different from them?
I loved the curiosity, we answered the majority of their queries. But there are some wanna-be entrepreneurs who have a thing known as "EGO".
They are 18 - 20 and think that they have figured out everything in the world. They are their own NEWTON, so self-obsessed and egoistic, I too witness some in my early days of college in my first year. Most of these attitude men are unemployed today, after passing out with a degree, they are a burden on their families or doing some shitty job that they don't like at all.
EGO kills the company first, then anything else
A boy, newly admitted asked me the first question "What is your burn rate?"
I honestly and politely answered, "Who are you?"
He: " His name "
Me: "Can I get your visiting card?"
He: "I don't have one"
Me: "Oops! I thought you must be an investor"
The reason behind this type of reaction is straight - ' I don't like wannabe entrepreneurs, I love problem solvers '
You can be a problem solver as an employee, teacher, individual worker, entrepreneur, or anyone else. But the majority of wanna-be entrepreneurs never even start, they stick somewhere and never show up.
How is the developed entrepreneur's ecosystem been, we have talked about in the podcast series with great entrepreneurs and investors :
It's better to start things rather than be a wanna-be entrepreneur.
To give you a start, we launched vertopreneur.com - where you can start a startup as quickly as possible.
That's edition of In The Ishank's Mind, will catch you next Tuesday :)