Encroachment continues unabated in the premises of Wandiwash Fort and waits for makeover.

  • Wandiwash (the anglicised version of?Vandavasi) is a town located about 120 km from Chennai in the present-day Tiruvannamalai district.
  • Battle of Wandiwash?- The place is historically known for the famous Battle of Wandiwash, of January 1760.
  • The battle of Wandiwash is a significant battle in the Third Carnatic War, where the French attempts to capture Fort of Vandavasi.
  • In the battle of Wandiwash, the British led by Eyre Coote (1726-1783), defeated the French forces under Thomas-Arthur, Comte de Lally (1702-1766).

The Seven years’ war in Europe led to the Carnatic war III between the French and British powers in India and the war ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1763.

  • Significance of the battle?- The victory of the British over the French, established their supremacy in India.
  • The battle also helped to vanquish the native powers.
  • This victory let Coote to go on to defeat Hyder Ali ofMysore (1722-1782) in June 1781 at Parangipettai (Porto Novo).
  • The Fort?- The fort of Vandavasi is said to belong to the 16th-17th Century CE.
  • The fort premises were originally spread over 2.6 hectares (or about 6.4 acres).
  • The fort walls were as high as 18 feet and even has a moat around it.
  • A cannon is kept at the south-western corner of the fort along with a notice giving a brief account of the place.
  • The remains of the fort had a makeover in early 2010 at the time of the 250th anniversary of the battle.

?“If it was Plassey in the North, in the South it was Wandiwash that changed the course of Indian history that paved the way for laying the foundation of the British domination exterminating the French out of the scene.” – An article published in a newspaper 55 years ago.

Important place for Jains

  • The population of Jains is more in this area than in the rest of Tamilnadu.
  • Out of the 59 sacred places in the Tamilnadu for the Jains, 28 are in Tiruvannamalai district, mostly in and around Vandavasi


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