Wanderlust in Waterloo

Travel can be exciting, enlightening but also exhausting.

International jet-setting is seemingly and for those of a certain age, a Jackie Collins experience. Flights and new destinations offering endless possibilities and perhaps even exotic adventures, but fiction is great escapism because it invariably cuts out the drudgery of the reality. Endless queues (especially at Passport Control) security and the ultimate dread, the weighing of luggage where mine is always over the limit despite my endless shuffling between cabin and hold.

The glamour has been taken out of the experience where delicious meals served with a smile from attractive cabin crew into, buy-your-own-sarnie and especially with British Airways, a surly mob who on my last trip, wouldn’t even give me a blanket when the plane was freezing. Informed there were ‘no blankets’ it was disheartening to see one on every seat in Business Class. On a personal note, I loathe British Airways and only select as a last resort.

However, what is important and essential after travelling, touring and using all your energy on the main purpose which is to savour new horizons… is the hotel. It is not recommended to economise on your lodgings thinking that you only sleep there and therefore a luxury as compared to an essential. These last four months have been an experience of dreams and fantasies but having returned to London, it has been more convenient and preferable to spend some time in a hotel for ease of access to certain meetings and appointments. Having chosen #ParkPlazaWaterloo of the PARKPLAZA P hotel chain, I want to share with everybody who reads my posts and has interest in my trips, why I loved it. The rooms are big, comfortable, pristine and the luxurious toiletries make a big difference to both the beginning and end of the day when showering and pampering. The extensive breakfast and complete buffet offers everything for the UK, continental and US traveller. The hot and cold selection would comfortably satisfy every culinary desire and the most discerning of palates. Not many hotels in London have a swimming pool but this hotel has a great pool and spa. Beyond the excellent amenities and team, is the superb location. Across the road from Lambeth North (Bakerloo) or a 5-minute walk to Waterloo (Jubilee) and around the corner from Southbank and Westminster.

After four months in hotels, I feel like the hotel guest expert. Some have been superb and others have faltered. In most cases when disappointed and have felt the experience undelivered on a promise, I have not written about it but when good, I will rave from the rooftops.

Being back in London was wonderful and I saw family and close friends but I’m on the road again and where I hang my hat is my home. Feet were twitchy and the wanderlust bug demanded attention and satisfaction… Can anybody guess where I am? Clue and from a famous film (but mainland not an island) – I am looking for a handsome man with a moustache, a square cigarette box bulging from his denim trouser pocket and who has… ‘a brother… with a boat.’



copyright: Park Plaza Waterloo

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