Walnut Creek Fixer Upper Tour
Hi, this is Marc Graves, where my job is to be your guide. 3226 Primrose. It's a fantastic property, and we'll probably take a tour around it. We'll look around the backyard, we'll look around the inside, and it'll be fun as heck. All right, so stay tuned and here we go.
This is the formal entryway. When you stomp on the floor like that and hear a hollowness, a drum-type sound, It's just another way to reinforce that you're on a raised foundation. There's space under the floor. You can elevate these floors with almost no issue at all. You lose a little bit of the depth of the ceiling, but sometimes for a consistent flooring, people do it, or even halfway. Maybe you just don't want it sunken quite so far, or maybe you just love it like this. Any of the three work. This portion of the house is on what they call a slab. It's just a concrete base under here. This would be considered your formal living room. This is your formal entryway. Then, this is your formal dining room. Thanksgiving and a couple of other holidays, where people will gather once, twice, four times a year. All of the walls right here that you see, can come down, and we can turn this house into what's known as the open-concept floor plan. So in any event, all of this can come out. If we walk this way, it’s the kitchen, which leads into your family room kitchen combo. This portion of the house is still really popular today. Imagine if all of this was gone, and you had a big island right in the center here. It’s just a very nice area for conversation and gathering. So again, this is a raised foundation, and this is a slab.
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There's the garage. The walls in here are considered not finished when you can see the black lath paper. There's a chicken wire on the other side of that, and that's what the stucco adheres to. When the walls have sheetrock tape and texture on them, they're considered finished. If you finish a garage like this, which almost none of them in this era were, it really adds to a really nice space. We have one bedroom here, and a closet there. That wall could come out if you didn't need it. You could go with french doors. This whole coat closet type area can all come out, and that would just open up this entire space for that open concept area, and it would be so dramatic. Something really unique in a home of this era, and of this size, is an inside laundry room. This is where your furnace and your hot water heater is. They call it a utility room now, or something like that. In the old days, we just called it a laundry room. There's where your plumbing is, and again, all of these things can be moved. If you want to steal or rob this space and add it to a bathroom or to another portion of the house, it's really easily done.
We call these guest rooms, even though a lot of times they were referred to as the children's rooms, but the guest rooms are here. This would be referred to as your guest bath. This would have been ample in its time. This is the master bedroom, and it's at the rear end of the house. All of this can be reconfigured. This is a fairly large space, it's just compartmentalized quite a bit. You come in here, and this is the master bathroom. All down this line is your master bath, your guest bath, and then your laundry room. All of the plumbing, all of the toilets, and all of the sewer lines are all readily available. I mean, you can move them anywhere you want, but this just makes it a little easier.
Again, this is the raised foundation portion of the home, where there are hardwood floors. As a matter of fact, I don't have to list the carpet. because if you look right here, these are the hardwood floors that run throughout primarily all of the raised foundation portion of the house. The bedrooms, the hallway, not always in the kitchen, and not always in the bedroom. There's the master bathroom and the stall shower. I'll pull up a piece of carpet like this, I'll pull up the backing, and you'll see the hardwood floor right there. This is what they call top nail. You really don't replicate that, that's not how they do it anymore. Okay, let's go out to the backyard.
This is the enormous Japanese maple that I talked about out front. I don't know if I talked about it on camera. It might be the largest Japanese maple I've ever seen. Again, it’s a really nice space, super quiet. This floor plan, I have seen expanded more times than I have not. Really, what's always done is they just bring this wall and this wall, and meet them here. That grabs you about another 400 square feet. It's a relatively inexpensive and relatively easy way to go about it.
This is it. This is the whole entire 3226 Primrose lane, Mr. Bill's house. 3226 Primrose. It's a 3 bedroom, 2 bath, a lovely opportunity. If you've liked anything that we've said, interested, or just feel like lending some support to me, I would greatly appreciate it. Like our page, subscribe, ring the bell, chitty the chat, Facebook, Instagram, all of those types of things. Marc Graves, Courtyard Realty, where my job is to be your guide. (925)-336-6272. (925)-336-MARC on your touchpad. Thanks very much.
To schedule a consultation with Marc, click here: https://calendly.com/courtyardrealty/30min?month=2020-12
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“My job is to guide. Call me and I will be there in a minute, with all my people ready to go.”
Marc Graves
Courtyard Realty
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