Walls are good.
Think of your insurance as a wall or dam, keeping things that will harm your property away. I have talked to so many people who are extremely mad at their insurance company because of a claim that did not get paid. My response to them is always, "how safe was your wall?" There are many parallels in the above video with the way insurance is sold today. In the beginning of the video, they praised the builders for finishing this dam before the deadline and under budget. What I hear is that so many minutes could save you this percentage. Sound familiar? As good as before deadline and under budget sounds, corners were cut and eventually the dam broke and 425 people lost their lives because of cut corners. The saddest part about it is, people saw there were small leaks in the dam and had the developer come out and inspect the dam literally the day before the dam broke. He obviously didn't do a thorough inspection.
It is our responsibility, as agents, to do a thorough inspection of our clients policies every year. There are so many things that could change such as: marriage, divorce, babies, new drivers, new job, new home etc. Had the developer really inspected the dam, he could have fixed the problem and saved 425 peoples lives.
I want to build walls, walls are good to protect your assets from disasters. I even want to inspect walls so that peoples lives aren't turned upside down because there was a crack in their coverage. My agency offers free insurance reviews and it is my job to make sure there are no cracks in coverage and that your assets are fully protected.