WalletConnect & Smart Contract

WalletConnect & Smart Contract

Big news for our DataBank.Me project; our Global Sales Leader, Kalpesh Patel, was chosen as one of the?Top 7 Entrepreneurs To Look Out For In 2023?by Dubai Daily.

If you know anyone in countries speaking these languages: Spanish French - Hindi - Hausa - Vietnamese please feel free to share our app with them. Our application is being translated into new languages monthly as we expand our global markets. Here is our CEO with an update.

If you want to start protecting and controlling your personal internet and digital data that you freely give to Google, Facebook and all the others, learn more about our DataBank.me project by clicking here.

We have deployed the wallet connection and smart contract to accomplish mission-critical objectives that are advantageous to the customer onboarding and purchasing experience and long-term growth of our token value which positively impacts the wealth of our subscribers.

This upgrade will ensure a 99.999% success rate on purchases,?upgrades, and redemptions?-?And increased buying pressure and token burning?on the DBME token.?

WalletConnect Updates:

We have upgraded the wallet connection, which will provide more reliability in purchases of subscriptions, products, and services.

We have also simplified the connection process providing our subscribers with direct connections to our website with their TrustWallet or MetaMask, and we are still offering WalletConnect as an option for those who want to connect wallets like Ledger, Binance, AlphaWallet.

We?STRONGLY?recommend using MetaMask!

In the next 30 days we expect to have a fully integrated non-custodial wallet (you own the keys) set up and activated when the subscriber sets their password. The advantage of this wallet is that it will eliminate one step of the onboarding process. This wallet will receive your commissions, DataReward redemptions and will be required for purchases on the website. The wallet's advantage is that it will be set up automatically when you activate your account. You will not have to connect a wallet or add a custom token.

This new wallet will provide a much more enjoyable onboarding experience and reduce the mistakes of our users not knowing where their commissions are paid to. All smart contract commissions, redemptions, and MyMarketpace purchases will be required to use?the "Manna"?SuperWallet.

Smart Contract Update:

We made an important decision to?update the smart contract.??New subscriptions and upgrades will be paid at a?70% commission rate to prevent “gaming” of the compensation plan.?More importantly,?it will provide additional buying volume to PancakeSwap, burn more tokens and increase the amount of DBME tokens in the purchasers' wallet.

The initial subscription purchases will pay 70% direct commission and purchase 15% of DBME tokens on Pancakeswap. 70% of the tokens purchased will be used as a utility token to upgrade the subscription, and 90% of the 70% will be burned (illuminated).

Here is an example of a Silver+ Purchase:

  1. Purchaser?sends $800 in BNB to the smart contract to purchase a Silver+ subscription.
  2. 70% or $560 in BNB is paid to the Sponsor instantly
  3. 15% ($120) is sent to Pancakeswap to purchase DBME (at current market price = 6,000,000)
  4. 15% paid to corporate for transaction fees, and operational and marketing expenses
  5. 70% of the DBME or 4,200,000 is used as a utility token to upgrade the subscription
  6. 10% of the 4,200,000 DBME or 420,000 is paid to the Passion Project wallet.
  7. The balance of the 1,800,000 DBME is deposited in the purchaser's wallet.

Here is an example of Silver+ to Platinum+ upgrade:

  1. Purchaser sends $4200?in BNB to the smart contract for a Silver+ to Platinum+
  2. 70% or $2940 in BNB is paid to the Sponsor instantly.
  3. 15% ($630) is sent to Pancakeswap to purchase DBME?(at current market price = 31,500,000)
  4. 15% paid to corporate for transaction fees, and operational and marketing expenses.
  5. 70% of the DBME or 20,050,000 is used as a utility token to upgrade the subscription
  6. 10% of the 20,050,000 DBME or 2,050,000 is paid to the Passion Project wallet.
  7. The balance of the?9,450,000 DBME is deposited in the purchaser’s wallet.

Benefits of the enhancements:

  • Fully integrated MannaWallet reduces friction of onboarding new members - no wallet needed to enroll or upgrade new subscribers.?
  • Reduces mistakes of commissions and redemptions being paid to incorrect wallets
  • Eliminates one step for the purchaser having to “enable” their wallet for upgrades
  • Purchaser retains more DBME tokens
  • Company has additional budget to invest in world class marketing tools
  • Lightning fast purchases, upgrades and redemptions.

This is one of those?important and?positive decisions for the longevity of the company, improvements of user experience and future wealth of our members.

Increasing the amount of DBME in our subscribers wallets, adding more purchasing volume to the DBME token on Pancakeswap and reducing the total supply faster are all positive enhancements that grow the value of our subscribers wealth.

These updates are?LIVE!

As mentioned, the integrated MannaWallet will be launched before June 1st. - and there is even more exciting news coming down the pipeline that will make us the #1 SuperWallet in the world.

Be Enriched,

Tom McMurrain



Actualización de contrato inteligente: Tomamos una decisión importante para actualizar el contrato inteligente. Las nuevas suscripciones y actualizaciones se pagarán a una tasa de comisión del 70% para evitar el "juego" del plan de compensación. Más importante aún, proporcionará un volumen de compra adicional a PancakeSwap, quemará más tokens y aumentará la cantidad de tokens DBME en la billetera de los compradores. Ambas compras de suscripción inicial pagarán una comisión directa del 70 % y comprarán el 15 % de tokens DBME en Pancakeswap. El 70 % de los tokens comprados se utilizará como token de utilidad para actualizar la suscripción y el 90 % del 70 % se quemará. Ambas compras de suscripción inicial pagarán una comisión directa del 70 % y comprarán el 15 % de tokens DBME en Pancakeswap. El 70 % de los tokens comprados se utilizará como token de utilidad para actualizar la suscripción y el 90 % del 70 % se quemará. Aquí hay un ejemplo en una compra Silver+: El comprador envía $4200 en BNB al contrato inteligente de Silver+ a Platinum+ El 70% o $2940 en BNB se paga al Patrocinador al instante. El 15% ($630) se envía a Pancakeswap para comprar DBME (al precio de mercado actual = 31 500 000) 15% pagado a la empresa por tarifas de transacción y gastos operativos y de marketing. El 70% del DBME o 20?050?000 se usa como token de utilidad para actualizar la suscripción El 10% de los 20,050,000 DBME o 2,050,000 se paga a la billetera Passion Project. El saldo de los 9.450.000 DBME se deposita en la cartera del comprador. Este es un ejemplo de actualización de Silver+ a Platinum+: El comprador envía $4200 en BNB al contrato inteligente de Silver+ a Platinum+ El 70% o $2940 en BNB se paga al Patrocinador al instante. El 15% ($630) se envía a Pancakeswap para comprar DBME (al precio de mercado actual = 31 500 000) 15% pagado a la empresa por tarifas de transacción y gastos operativos y de marketing. El 70% del DBME o 20?050?000 se usa como token de utilidad para actualizar la suscripción El 10% de los 20,050,000 DBME o 2,050,000 se paga a la billetera Passion Project. El saldo de los 9.450.000 DBME se deposita en la cartera del comprador. Beneficios de las mejoras MannaWallet totalmente integrado reduce la fricción de incorporar nuevos miembros: no se necesita una billetera para inscribir o actualizar nuevos suscriptores. Reduce los errores de comisiones y reembolsos que se pagan a billeteras incorrectas Elimina un paso para que el comprador tenga que "habilitar" su billetera para actualizaciones El comprador retiene más tokens DBME La empresa tiene presupuesto adicional para invertir en herramientas de marketing de clase mundial Compras, actualizaciones y canjes ultrarrápidos. Esta es una de esas decisiones difíciles pero positivas para la longevidad de la empresa, las mejoras de la experiencia del usuario y la riqueza futura de nuestros miembros. Aumentar la cantidad de DBME en las billeteras de nuestros suscriptores, agregar más volumen de compras al token DBME en Pancakeswap y reducir el suministro total más rápido son mejoras positivas que aumentan el valor de la riqueza de nuestros suscriptores. ?Estas actualizaciones están EN VIVO! Tom McMurrain CEO


Mise à jour du contrat intelligent?: Nous avons pris une décision importante pour mettre à jour le contrat intelligent. Les nouveaux abonnements et mises à niveau seront payés à un taux de commission de 70?% pour empêcher le "jeu" du plan de rémunération. Plus important encore, cela fournira un volume d'achat supplémentaire à PancakeSwap, br?lera plus de jetons et augmentera la quantité de jetons DBME dans le portefeuille des acheteurs. Les deux achats d'abonnement initiaux paieront 70% de commission directe et achèteront 15% de jetons DBME sur Pancakeswap. 70?% des jetons achetés seront utilisés comme jeton utilitaire pour mettre à niveau l'abonnement et 90?% des 70?% seront br?lés. Les deux achats d'abonnement initiaux paieront 70% de commission directe et achèteront 15% de jetons DBME sur Pancakeswap. 70?% des jetons achetés seront utilisés comme jeton utilitaire pour mettre à niveau l'abonnement et 90?% des 70?% seront br?lés. Voici un exemple sur un achat Silver+?: L'acheteur envoie 4200 $ en BNB au contrat intelligent pour un Silver + à Platinum + 70?% ou 2?940?$ en BNB sont versés instantanément au sponsor. 15 % (630 $) sont envoyés à Pancakeswap pour acheter DBME (au prix actuel du marché = 31 500 000) 15?% versés à l'entreprise pour les frais de transaction et les dépenses opérationnelles et marketing. 70?% du DBME ou 20?050?000 sont utilisés comme jeton utilitaire pour mettre à niveau l'abonnement 10% des 20 050 000 DBME ou 2 050 000 sont versés au portefeuille Passion Project. Le solde des 9 450 000 DBME est déposé dans le porte-monnaie de l'acquéreur. Voici un exemple de mise à niveau Silver+ vers Platinum+?: L'acheteur envoie 4200 $ en BNB au contrat intelligent pour un Silver + à Platinum + 70?% ou 2?940?$ en BNB sont versés instantanément au sponsor. 15 % (630 $) sont envoyés à Pancakeswap pour acheter DBME (au prix actuel du marché = 31 500 000) 15?% versés à l'entreprise pour les frais de transaction et les dépenses opérationnelles et marketing. 70?% du DBME ou 20?050?000 sont utilisés comme jeton utilitaire pour mettre à niveau l'abonnement 10% des 20 050 000 DBME ou 2 050 000 sont versés au portefeuille Passion Project. Le solde des 9 450 000 DBME est déposé dans le porte-monnaie de l'acquéreur. Avantages des améliorations MannaWallet entièrement intégré réduit les frictions lors de l'intégration de nouveaux membres - aucun portefeuille n'est nécessaire pour inscrire ou mettre à niveau de nouveaux abonnés. Réduit les erreurs de commissions et de rachats payés à des portefeuilles incorrects élimine une étape pour l'acheteur qui doit "activer" son portefeuille pour les mises à niveau L'acheteur conserve plus de jetons DBME L'entreprise dispose d'un budget supplémentaire pour investir dans des outils marketing de classe mondiale Achats, mises à niveau et échanges ultra-rapides. C'est une de ces décisions difficiles mais positives pour la pérennité de l'entreprise, l'amélioration de l'expérience utilisateur et la richesse future de nos membres Augmenter la quantité de DBME dans les portefeuilles de nos abonnés, ajouter plus de volume d'achat au jeton DBME sur Pancakeswap et réduire l'offre totale plus rapidement sont autant d'améliorations positives qui augmentent la valeur de la richesse de nos abonnés. Ces mises à jour sont EN DIRECT?! Tom McMurrain


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Sabunta Kwangilar Smart: Mun yanke shawara mai mahimmanci don sabunta kwangilar wayo. Sabbin biyan ku?i da ha?akawa za a biya su a ?imar kwamiti na 70% don hana "wasanni" na shirin ramuwa. Mafi mahimmanci, zai samar da ?arin ?arar siyayya zuwa PancakeSwap, ?one ?arin alamu kuma ?ara adadin alamun DBME a cikin walat ?in masu siye. Dukansu sayayya na farko na biyan ku?i za su biya hukumar kai tsaye 70% kuma su sayi 15% na alamun DBME akan Pancakeswap. 70% na alamun da aka saya za a yi amfani da su azaman alamar amfani don ha?aka biyan ku?i kuma 90% na 70% za a ?one. Dukansu sayayya na farko na biyan ku?i za su biya hukumar kai tsaye 70% kuma su sayi 15% na alamun DBME akan Pancakeswap. 70% na alamun da aka saya za a yi amfani da su azaman alamar amfani don ha?aka biyan ku?i kuma 90% na 70% za a ?one. Ga misali akan Siyan Azurfa+: Mai siye ya aika $4200 a cikin BNB zuwa kwangilar wayo don Azurfa+ zuwa Platinum+ 70% ko $2940 a cikin BNB ana biya ga Mai Tallafawa nan take. 15% ($ 630) ana aika zuwa Pancakeswap don siyan DBME (a farashin kasuwa na yanzu = 31,500,000) 15% an biya wa kamfanoni don ku?a?en ma'amala, da ku?a?en aiki da tallace-tallace. 70% na DBME ko 20,050,000 ana amfani dashi azaman alamar amfani don ha?aka biyan ku?i Kashi 10% na 20,050,000 DBME ko 2,050,000 ana biyansu zuwa walat ?in Ayyukan ?auye. Ana ajiye ma'auni na 9,450,000 DBME a cikin walat ?in mai siye. Ga misalin ha?akar Azurfa+ zuwa Platinum+: Mai siye ya aika $4200 a cikin BNB zuwa kwangilar wayo don Azurfa+ zuwa Platinum+ 70% ko $2940 a cikin BNB ana biya ga Mai Tallafawa nan take. 15% ($ 630) ana aika zuwa Pancakeswap don siyan DBME (a farashin kasuwa na yanzu = 31,500,000) 15% an biya wa kamfanoni don ku?a?en ma'amala, da ku?a?en aiki da tallace-tallace. 70% na DBME ko 20,050,000 ana amfani dashi azaman alamar amfani don ha?aka biyan ku?i Kashi 10% na 20,050,000 DBME ko 2,050,000 ana biyansu zuwa walat ?in Ayyukan ?auye. Ana ajiye ma'auni na 9,450,000 DBME a cikin walat ?in mai siye. Amfanin abubuwan ha?akawa Cikakken MannaWallet yana rage juzu'in shiga sabbin mambobi - babu walat ?in da ake bu?ata don yin rajista ko ha?aka sabbin masu biyan ku?i. Yana rage kurakuran kwamitocin da fansa da ake biya ga wallet ?in da ba daidai ba Yana kawar da mataki ?aya don mai siye don "ba da damar" walat ?in su don ha?akawa Mai siye yana ri?e da ?arin alamun DBME Kamfanin yana da ?arin kasafin ku?i don saka hannun jari a cikin kayan aikin tallan tallan na duniya Sayayya da sauri na wal?iya, ha?akawa da fansa. Wannan yana ?aya daga cikin wa?ancan yanke shawara masu wahala amma tabbatacce don tsawon rayuwar kamfanin, ha?aka ?warewar mai amfani da dukiyar membobinmu na gaba. Ha?aka adadin DBME a cikin walat ?in masu biyan ku?in mu, ?ara ?arin ?arar siyayya zuwa alamar DBME akan Pancakeswap da rage yawan wadatar da sauri duk ingantaccen ha?akawa ne wa?anda ke ha?aka ?imar wadatar masu biyan ku?in mu. Wa?annan sabuntawar suna LIVE! Tom McMurrain Shugaba


C?p nh?t h?p ??ng th?ng minh: Chúng t?i ?? ??a ra m?t quy?t ??nh quan tr?ng là c?p nh?t h?p ??ng th?ng minh. Các ??ng ky và nang c?p m?i s? ???c thanh toán v?i t? l? hoa h?ng 70% ?? ng?n ch?n vi?c “?ánh c??c” vào k? ho?ch tr? th??ng. Quan tr?ng h?n, nó s? cung c?p thêm kh?i l??ng mua cho PancakeSwap, ??t nhi?u m? th?ng báo h?n và t?ng s? l??ng m? th?ng báo DBME trong ví c?a ng??i mua. C? hai l?n mua ??ng ky ban ??u s? tr? 70% hoa h?ng tr?c ti?p và mua 15% m? th?ng báo DBME trên Pancakeswap. 70% s? m? th?ng báo ?? mua s? ???c s? d?ng làm m? th?ng báo ti?n ích ?? nang c?p ??ng ky và 90% trong s? 70% s? b? ??t cháy. C? hai l?n mua ??ng ky ban ??u s? tr? 70% hoa h?ng tr?c ti?p và mua 15% m? th?ng báo DBME trên Pancakeswap. 70% s? m? th?ng báo ?? mua s? ???c s? d?ng làm m? th?ng báo ti?n ích ?? nang c?p ??ng ky và 90% trong s? 70% s? b? ??t cháy. ?ay là m?t ví d? v? Mua hàng B?c +: Ng??i mua g?i 4200 ?? la BNB ??n h?p ??ng th?ng minh ?? nh?n B?c+ ??n B?ch kim+ 70% ho?c $2940 b?ng BNB ???c tr? cho Nhà tài tr? ngay l?p t?c. 15% ($630) ???c g?i ??n Pancakeswap ?? mua DBME (v?i giá th? tr??ng hi?n t?i = 31.500.000) 15% tr? cho c?ng ty v? phí giao d?ch, chi phí ho?t ??ng và ti?p th?. 70% DBME ho?c 20.050.000 ???c s? d?ng làm m? th?ng báo ti?n ích ?? nang c?p ??ng ky 10% trong s? 20.050.000 DBME ho?c 2.050.000 ???c tr? vào ví Passion Project. S? d? c?a 9.450.000 DBME ???c g?i vào ví c?a ng??i mua. D??i ?ay là m?t ví d? v? nang c?p Silver+ lên Platinum+: Ng??i mua g?i 4200 ?? la BNB ??n h?p ??ng th?ng minh ?? nh?n B?c+ ??n B?ch kim+ 70% ho?c $2940 b?ng BNB ???c tr? cho Nhà tài tr? ngay l?p t?c. 15% ($630) ???c g?i ??n Pancakeswap ?? mua DBME (v?i giá th? tr??ng hi?n t?i = 31.500.000) 15% tr? cho c?ng ty v? phí giao d?ch, chi phí ho?t ??ng và ti?p th?. 70% DBME ho?c 20.050.000 ???c s? d?ng làm m? th?ng báo ti?n ích ?? nang c?p ??ng ky 10% trong s? 20.050.000 DBME ho?c 2.050.000 ???c tr? vào ví Passion Project. S? d? c?a 9.450.000 DBME ???c g?i vào ví c?a ng??i mua. L?i ích c?a các c?i ti?n MannaWallet ???c tích h?p ??y ?? giúp gi?m ma sát khi gi?i thi?u thành viên m?i - kh?ng c?n ví ?? ??ng ky ho?c nang c?p ng??i ??ng ky m?i. Gi?m các sai l?m v? hoa h?ng và quy ??i ???c tr? cho các ví kh?ng chính xác Lo?i b? m?t b??c ??i v?i ng??i mua ph?i “kích ho?t” ví c?a h? ?? nang c?p Ng??i mua gi? l?i nhi?u m? th?ng báo DBME h?n C?ng ty có thêm ngan sách ?? ??u t? vào các c?ng c? ti?p th? ??ng c?p th? gi?i Mua, nang c?p và ??i quà nhanh nh? ch?p. ?ay là m?t trong nh?ng quy?t ??nh khó kh?n nh?ng tích c?c ??i v?i s? tr??ng t?n c?a c?ng ty, c?i thi?n tr?i nghi?m ng??i dùng và s? giàu có trong t??ng lai c?a các thành viên c?a chúng t?i T?ng s? l??ng DBME trong ví c?a nh?ng ng??i ??ng ky c?a chúng t?i, t?ng thêm kh?i l??ng mua vào m? th?ng báo DBME trên Pancakeswap và gi?m t?ng ngu?n cung nhanh h?n ??u là nh?ng c?i ti?n tích c?c giúp t?ng giá tr? tài s?n c?a nh?ng ng??i ??ng ky c?a chúng t?i. Nh?ng c?p nh?t này ?ang TR?C TI?P! Tom McMurrain CEO


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