will wall street, harvard & olympics be virus immune
Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab
2025report.com year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Igontance linker?,
EconomistFuture.com asks will english be the language most responsible for ending our species sustainability? or can the dual language city hong kong come to the rescue of the 2 main business languages East-West world will ever witness - (something peculiar happened in 2010s startups began rising in parts of the east while the west subprime depressed what could have been the greatest decade yet for entrepreneurial- as of 7/7 france 24 reports a European estimate that job losses are already 10 fold the subprime contagion. Om a personal note the only time i gave a lecture at Harvard (1999) i was offering a preview of the triple issue of journal of marketing management that I guest edited- chosen topic brand reality : energising purpose pride and passion : preventing 20th century's greatest marketing errors from spreading into the 20th C.
I was quite shocked when the reaction to my presentation - you may be right but in USA you would never get research funds for thps topic, please go. It may not have helped that the biggest 20th C story of brand leadership was we were leaving the century with ever less understanding of brand and goodwill valuation than ever. I had presented a very simple case of value multiplication - what if a big 5 auditor loses all of society's trust even as its value to big corporate world goes up. In a transparent world 0*billions=0 not 0+billions. For those interested, even today what was then termed by brookings as the research of unseen wealth is not audited because it requires exponential maths as do all compounding risks
(To understand what changes in organisational governance would need to sustain sdg startup networking see countdown in the economist begun 1976 by my father norman macrae assisted by his then young friend romano prodi) by 2015 the country china that did not have one privately owned business in 1975 was celebrating 5 million youthful startups a year -an inspiration that relayed to hong kong by 2016 as we note at www.economisthongkong.com and www.livesmater.city
WallstreetHarvardOlympics are 3 of the strangest global brands controlled by olders dependent on youth rising= they also play a part in decades of investigating bad or fake western media's TO BE OR NOT TO BE _ breaking in year 37 of the economist's 2025 report and decade 27 of sharing machines and markets the way to glasgow u co-workers imagineered (see worldrecordjobs : smith and watt) -if boris johnson wants to be the most sustainable g7 leader he needs now to go interview 1 jinping 2 bezos 3 close bbc news world service in usa unless he can find under 40 anchors who have big data competence on virus and other deep diversity sdg challenges
livesmatter.city globally common to pound and dollar economies- slave trading -see maps from 1500 and absurd branding of ,lbs cass as recently as 2002- The prestigious Cass Business School, in London, is changing its name because of its associations with Sir John Cass, a 17th Century merchant and proponent of slavery. The school, part of City, University of London, was named after the figure in 2002, after a donation from the foundation that bears his name.6 hours ago
Cass: Famous business school in name-change over slavery ...
sustainability countdown year 37 of 2025 report started at The Economist 1984 welcomes you to our livesmatter.city and our 12 part series on interdependence- earlier parts :
1 time for boris and jinping to have a private cup of tea 1a time for a digital islands dollars 3 love hong kong people- sustainable youth's most exciting 0.1% of people in the world of connected cities and much more #ccc2020 twitter list hk summit july 6-10
2 why 2020s needs to be youths most exciting decade -clue if 3 generations youth, parents, grandparents are ever to system map a first exponentially sustainable generation (1.1 johnson-jinping agenda suggestions include why not not invite hk and uk people to startup digital islands dollar)
you are browsing interdepence part 3/12 which is intentionally modular, recursive
module 1 - old walls & young sports?
both of the title's questions are exponentially chaotic as far as mathematicians are concerned. the western fund owner/analyst i respect most recently rehearsed why wall street thinks its immune as indicated by US indices within 10% of their tops- wall street is behaving as if its part of the world is already on a v curve recovery even if 8 billion people need to wait to 2024 before all are united by a safe vaccine (too late for the paris olympics?)
my father , norman macrae, started wondering about chaotic questions during world war 2 - as a teenage navigator in world war 2 flying over modern-day myanmar and bangladesh he had a lot of down time to study the one book he had packed - keynes general through of money interest employment -more on where that led over 40 years at the economist and elsewhere at https://www.2025report.com or ask italians like romano prodi why he translated dad's 1976 survey on entrepreneurial revolution and arranged italian high table debriefing of ten green bottles -what 10 dynamics would 8 billion humans need lose trust in for there to be nothing left at all - one acronym i use to recall 10 local-global markets that concern me is SHELF_UNITE ie Safety*Health*Education*Loveq*Finance Unite*Nature*Infrastructure*Technology*Energy
but i would welcome knowing which 10 markets exponentials you multiply together on the chaotic assumption that if one such as health collapses or lives matter's safety matters there nothing left at all for our children
module 2 have your nations 5th grade maths teachers zoomed each other with eg khan academy 10 minute intro to chaos
I have always disliked the poster logo for chaos theory- the butterfly whose wing flapping in the amazon spins havoc on the other side of the world. we now know that a smarter storyline is one person's sneeze may be 8 billions. what made the 21st c future wholly different than history now that both nature and man have designed a hyper connected planet. one definition of hyperconnectivity is borders are where viral risks are most likely to compound unseen until they are ready to spread chaos anywhere or everywhere -
the way to gain from hyperconnected productivity and demands was for world service media/education to help transparently map out which big data all societies (both at front-line community and national levels of servant leadership) most urgently needed to be prioritised as internetwork coalitions of the kind joseph nye envisions reality of un depends on
clearly we faked the media challenge we needed to mobilise byvaluing what dad called death of distance -we have spent the 2010s -the fifth decade moores law (ie silicon valley born 1972) 100 fold analytix multipliers - NOT opening societal auditing which data gravitates what. Few people have even faced the actuality that more than half the data ever tracing our species was collected in the 2010s- it was in einstein's sense at a deeper level than ever before making all pat male science out of data- anyone with a mobile phone's gps was trackable. the west chose a very volatile mix of data compilers - us government but not with anywhere near the best tech (one reason why hillary used enon gov emails); and companies like facebook (i dont believe in freedom of peoples to speak in a space where you are only allowed to express likes), google ( pity you didn't completer the big data maps of your first google ceo epidemiologist larry brilliant) amazon (bezos moves are faultless in my opinion but nobody has danced with him in asking what sort of future cities/communities does his paradigm lead to - all the 250 failed buds for amazon hq2 should have been open sourced and infrastructure lessons drawn from them-its not bezos fault that the last thing the us senate was ever designed to do was open source quality infrastructure needed to make positive sum trades between states let alone between virus hotspots and spaces the virus is designed to compound in), gates oh well there's a ying and yang between what is closed source and what is open sourced in all of gates biggest ventures that i haven't been able to trace - i know when something is too big for me to understand where its intangible whole is compounding
module 3 will olympics sports brand ever recover?
reality of olympics brand valuation - goodwill now worth less than fifth before the decade of the virus; moreover a swiss hq'd organisation had best info of all to id its greatest risk was exactly the chaos the virus has spread - by not probono messaging virus is global sporting youth's greatest livelihood risk since 2005 the olympics has failed in its own due diligence responsibilities to youth- recommendation of world class brands advisers - its ownership should be refinanced into 5 fifths
5 new circles of the olympics brand
one fifth whomever think they currently own this nonprofit!
one fifth offered to china and japan as next two hosts who can also represent asian youth valuation of sports- thats 2/3 of the world's
one fifth offered to france and italy as 2024/26 potential hosts with the added task of bringing transparency back to garments and young peoples fashion chain in line with eg franciscan values
one fifth owned by an ethics committee which could be filled by the most ethical young retirees under 30 of the sports nominated by different nations royal or other social institutions
one fifth owned by a lives matter and frontline service workers global training-alumni network of scholars- assuming the fourth circle is populated by sports heroes this fifth circle should choose its arts and cultural representatives carefully - they need to bridge dual cultures that history's non hyper connected age bordered off - celebrate practitioners of humanitude beyond borders so to speak
module 3a mayors of the world of www.livesmatter.city ca trust uniting around tokyo's ms koike- she has leap over many "think-impossible" as her 8th grade zen teacher coached her
diary update 5th july thank heavens tokyo has re-elected the best female mayor in the world- rather like sir fazle abed her under 30s was spent getting out of big oil which her father had been in, and resulted in her being an undergraduate of cairo university- having survived that culture shock she was a broadcaster before a place leader and value-wise can eat any of trump's band of cultural illiterates alive (should they push her) but whether she has turned to negotiating asian majority ownership of any future olympics is unclear- i suppose she still has to keep up a shot at there being a 2021 olympics but by october the agreed decision point she will need to get the whips out if any western brand misvaluers try to get in japans way -there was also a brilliant nhk program today on preparing to co=-exist with the virus for 4 years https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/tv/documentary/20200705/4001365/
module 4 while the 5 win-win stakeholders to gravitate the future of olympics brand reality are simple to map, diagnosing who the dow jones represents isnt easy- help welcome! please check out video bibliography too
perhaps one of the 5 constituencies is the 300 trillion dollars of western ;pension funds - as clarified at this 2018 un speech sustainability goal investment partnerships are not seen as asset grade- therefore we end up in the chaotic position that the savings of 85 year olds which most needed to be invested on end virus since 2005 have done the exact opposite
back before world war 2 data shows the jus navy was about the 17th largest in the world- in effect because the first 6 quarters of a century of independence had focused only on internal military tools/arms. there was next to zero transcontinental war budget in american taxes- not long after world 2 americans started on a trajectory which sees probably one day pojut of every 5 days american work spent or arms- how this complex translates into related choices such as do we energise oil or green isnt easy to put numbers on - but unless proven wrong i imagine one fifth of the dow is an index of whether we are committing more to international arms and carbon races not less
my understanding is that americans spend about a fifth of all money on health services- so lets suppose that too is reflected in the dow or related indices- and yet if you make a list of the 10 things americans pay most for in the combo that is health - big pharma as one slice has been investingh kin eg marketining opioids in 2010s nit in vaccine research; lawyers in americans health service have always made it ore and more expensive- so have rival insurers- the reality is one insurance for everyine is the most sustainable system provided you monitir daya so that gthose who abuse the system get charged and you have some kind of civil media above partry politics which clarifies if some medical treatments are not yet affordable or essential for the nation to build across generations- i assume it is obvious that healthy societies generate strong economies not vice versa but that doesnt mean that what the hudson institute founder called ehalkth and safety fascism should rule
sports and who americans pay huge ad monies to celebrate may well make up another fifth of the dow- let the rest of the world get on with refinancing the olympics - the reality is america's favorite weekend pastimes 2/7 of the week need a lot of careful revaluing - i wish kobe was around- maybe a new curriculum of kobe.mba could look at the next 5 yeras - what is the opportunity of resdesigning sports to value what youth co-create in the world not to siphon it off into big owners and fame media's pockets
whats the lother fifth of what the dow tracks- or do you think i have mis-stated its 4 main components- i have sort of eft put bankiers and property managers because they are in everything america does and so all of above- i feel desperately that the 21st c infrastructure america needs to blend real and digitals livelihoods needs to be in the main index reported on the nightly news but how valuing the commons is designed is more simply mediated by starting in the different frame that education is the greatest investments parents and grandparents and so elders of nations make - that debate was started up with friends at the economist in 1984- our 37th update of the 2025 report is here
tweet length lesson on corona virus - from global village networks globalgrameen
why when japanese heard covid self-harmless to 95% but maximise infection, & kill 1-in-3 in segments within 5%- that terrified the public into test test test- but in US broadcasters still quarrel numbers which you need MA in stats to understand due to lack of testing random pop
video library
2:16 joseph nye comes to thintank town :csis jan2020 dc the greatest debate help search www.masterclass100.com 5 months ago
7:41 Funds challenge 300 trllion dollars crisis Head of UN general assembly june 2018-
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0:45 Bill Gates wishing Sir Fazle for his 80th birthday
1:12 kimelearning world banker tips 2 schools to zoom and change world : khan academy, bridge international 5 years ago
30:03 Schwarzman on China, Recovery, and Investing Bloomberg Live 1 week ago
22:08 Bridgewater Co-CIO Prince on Global Markets Outlook Bloomberg Live 1 week ago
1:12:05 New Money: The Greatest Wealth Creation Event in History (2019) - Full Documentary 6.9M views 11 months ago ??To learn
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TEDx Talks 6 years ago An exploration of the chaotic idea that all systems are inherently self-organizing, and that maybe...