Walkout@Facebook ; L’Oréal Paris Called Out;
Devasis Chattopadhyay
Author, Columnist and an occasional Reputation Strategist
Following the unrest after the unfortunate George Floyd killing, two very important global brands were called out in the US in last 2 days for their corporate behaviour.
Facebook :
Facebook employees staged a virtual walkout yesterday and publicly denounced CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s decision to leave up a post from President Trump about the recent social unrest. The Facebook employees said that those comments by Mr. Trump violated the company’s rules about inciting violence.
Over this weekend, about a dozen employees spoke out on Twitter against Zuckerberg’s decision to keep up a post from the president, which called the demonstrators as thugs and warned: “When the looting starts, the shooting starts.” Facebook said it refrains from fact-checking or removing politicians’ posts on the platform but would take down posts that glorify violence and spread voter misinformation. Some employees and outside academics who study Facebook’s content rules said the looting post, along with an earlier one that contained inaccuracies about voting by mail, broke the company’s rules.
L’Oréal Paris :
“Excuse my language but I am SO angry,” answered Munroe Bergdorf, before cursing at L’Oréal Paris. She said, “You dropped me from a campaign in 2017 and threw me to the wolves for speaking out about racism and white supremacy.”
L’Oréal had cut Ms. Bergdorf from its roster for a Facebook post denouncing systemic racism in 2017. L’Oréal had said that Bergdorf comments were at odds with its values of diversity and tolerance. But, when L’Oréal Paris joined the other brands expressing support for protesters after the death of George Floyd in police custody, the brand has been accused of hypocrisy by the model publicly.
#Facebook #L'Oreal #condemviolence #georgefloydkilling
Source – CMO Today