Walking on Mars
Dan Weedin
Risk Advisor / Crisis Navigator / Insurance Strategist / Speaker, Author, Podcaster and Candidate for Mayor of Poulsbo 2025
This past week, Perseverance paid off and landed on Mars.
The NASA Mars Rover named Perseverance landed on Mars on February 18th after a seven-month journey from Earth. If you’re a space geek like me, you found this so fascinating, surreal, and breathtaking. Mars is 129.47 million miles away from Earth.
That’s a lot of frequent flier miles. In another comparison, I estimated that in 40 years of driving around 25,000 miles per year, that equals to my driving 1,000,000 miles in my lifetime. Only 128 million more miles to go…
What stands out to me is that the good people at NASA had a clear vision and commitment to making this trip happen. They had an unlimited mindset to find a way to “walk” on Mars.
This week’s question for you - Do you have an unlimited mindset?
Last week, I recorded the Patron Only bonus episode for Unleashed the Podcast with my good friend and former classmate, retired Rear Admiral Dell Bull. Dell now is an executive for CAVU International, which is an organization made up mostly of former military leaders.
Dell tells the story explaining that CAVU is a term known by aviators and flight crews and it stands for Ceiling And Visibility Unlimited. When your ceiling (the sky) and your visibility (path forward) are unlimited, then it’s the perfect condition to fly.
If you want to do things as grand as complete a mission to walk on Mars, you must have an unlimited mindset.
If you want to be truly unleashed as a business; truly unleashed as a professional; and truly unleashed in your life, then you need an unlimited mindset.
You must attack each day with the goal of having your ceiling and visibility unlimited. Admittedly, there are days and periods of time where there is serious visibility issues, where the path seems unclear, and where doubt and fear may creep in.
In those days and moments, circle back to what clear and visible looks and feels like. Recall how you feel when you have confidence in your business and yourself. Because it’s at that point where the unlimited becomes a reality.
You’ve heard me talk about being unleashed. I’m pretty certain that Captain Jack considers every day a CAVU day; it’s clear that the folks at NASA kept that mindset even in difficult days.
So now its our turn while in the midst of a global pandemic to keep our vision focused ahead with a ceiling and visibility that’s unlimited and unleashed.
And then we will all be walking on our own Mars.
Quote of the Week:
“In order to succeed, we must first believe we can.”
~ Nikos Kazantzakis, 20th century Greek writer
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