Walking Into The Invisible
Keith Carlock
Invisibility Suits, Portals, Magic Ghost Number Cubes and Other Mathematical Ideas [ also, ideas towards an amended Invisible/Holographic Principle]
If you're lucky, you find a few really cool things in life to entertain you as you make your way to the grave. I have a few really neat ideas that could entertain me in the grave! They entertain me when I sleep! Everyone is here to find their truth. Some are here to make it the reality of others, too. No better definition of a dream come true; the consensus you introduce.
A dream come true is the ability to turn your own reality into an agreeable consensus with the reality of others, in between the faculty and facility of the senses, we are creators at their nexus.
The very act of change is the dream of the universe becoming a consensus reality of its observers, itself numbered among them.
The dreams of the universe come true all the time without any apparent effort and without ceasing. Change is the dream of reality.
There is infinite potential in every cubic inch of space. Your dream house or car could be resting there in another universe, somewhere in the future. Superposition of unseen worlds. You can imagine the invisible and walk thru it like walking thru imaginary APROs ( Artificial Parallel Reality Orbs). Invisible yet real.
To sense the invisible, you have to imagine the potential as though it were real and sense yourself walking into the unseen worlds.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for. The evidence of things not seen.
-Hebrews 11:1
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.
-Proverbs 13:12