The Walk and Week with Panda
Barry Lewis Green
I am an Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, and Creator ... advancing high functioning Purpose and Unity through elevated conversations, capacities and Character. Let's move forward together, stronger.
The last couple of hours have been crazy and hard. Very hard.
And I await.
In A Code of Character, I referenced this Countdown I am on; this personal journey of 42 days until 2021. 42 to 21.
- Day 37 was about Fidelity and Forbearance.
- Day 38 was on Responsibility and Candor.
- Day 39 centered on Helpfulness and Service.
- Days 41 and 40 focused on Thankfulness and Trustworthiness.
- Day 42, I focused on Generosity.
Through it all, I have decided on and committed my Generosity, Thankfulness, Trustworthiness, Helpfulness, Service, Responsibility, Candor, Fidelity and Forbearance to focusing on my Camelot, The Single Parent Association, Skills Canada NL and CBDC NL ... and my deep belief in that noble calling of enterprise. I repeat this because (a) in A Code of Character I noted I "am about to explore, “Be fair in thy judgement and guarded in thy speech.” for Thursday and Friday, November 26 and 27 respectively and (b) I just received news that my #bestlittledogintheworld Panda is not well and we have to assess her health and well-being. This day is hard, and the path ahead unknown. And, even as I type, I wait on picking Panda up, and the unknown journey ahead.
That Journey
So, how are these above... all connected? That journey ahead is unknown. But here is what I do know. In the last hour or so, I have witnessed Generosity and experienced Thankfulness... palpably so. The support I am already and so quickly getting is wondrous and needed. I am relearning and being reminded of Trustworthiness, Helpfulness and Service in the receiving of same. And, I am surrounded and supported by Responsibility, Candor, Fidelity and Forbearance.
It is remarkable to be awash in these, even and especially as I process things. When we practice as best we can these virtues of Generosity, Thankfulness, Trustworthiness, Helpfulness, Service, Responsibility, Candor, Fidelity and Forbearance... the returns are remarkable. I am reminded, as my heart beats.
How are these additionally connected? I had indeed suggested that these next two days I would explore, “Be fair in thy judgement and guarded in thy speech.” With the news this morning, and a bit of a much needed sabbatical for the next few days, I offer up for Days 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 31 and 30.
7 Days on... “Be fair in thy judgement and guarded in thy speech.”
Fair in the judgement. Treating others justly, hearing and listening with Openness and Respect for ourselves and others, caring more about doing than being right, playing fair, collaborating and forging the win-win.,,, this is Fairness.
"... and guarded in thy speech" ... this is Tact.
We still get to tell the truth, but with Kindness. Practicing Tact is not about repressing nor being "politically correct". It is about thinking before we speak and understanding that our words carry weight.
So, why do I say all of this? Over the last 6 days and for the next 6, I am focusing, meditating and praying on what my work and life would look like with a fierce focus on Generosity, Thankfulness, Trustworthiness, Helpfulness, Service, Responsibility, Candor, Fidelity, Forbearance, Fairness and Justice. Amidst the news of Panda... and the Generosity experienced in support and Kindness, Empathy and more... amidst my own processing of my path with Panda forward... and processing courageously what my work and life going into 2021 and beyond will walk like... I will focus on these strengths of character. Fair in my judgement and guarded in my speech also refers to how I will choose to talk to myself in these days ahead... understanding the full power of judgement and words on ourselves as well as others.
I am challenged this morning in a way I did not see coming. I am blessed this morning in a way I did not see coming. I have seen and practiced that Generosity in prosperity and Thankfulness in adversity. In and amidst tears and typing, I experience both. And I am reminded of the vital importance of:
- Trustworthiness
- Helpfulness and Service
- Responsibility
- Candor
- Fidelity
- Forbearance
- and Fairness and Justice.
And on these last two, I am reminded of the conversations on Justice that we have already had. I will look back on them...
- Justice Lead, November 2020
- Justice Lead, October 2020
- Justice Lead, September 2020
- Justice Lead, August 2020
- Justice Lead, July 2020
- Justice Lead, June 2020
- Justice Lead, May 2020
I will practice such Fairness in my actions and speech towards myself and others.
It speaks to me of Dignity for ourselves and others.
I need that countenance and gate right now.
All that said, this is a time of tears, trial, and triumph. These days will unfold and Panda and I will figure our way. But I will forge an ever more fierce Understanding of Generosity, Thankfulness, Trustworthiness, Helpfulness, Service, Responsibility, Candor, Fidelity, Forbearance, Fairness and Justice... as we walk it.
I will not presume that this resonates for you.
But, what if it did?
What would these look like in your own countenance and gate... personally and professionally... at family, school, work, business, community and life? How would they best be practiced and lived?
Panda and I have some of our own learning and living to do. She has been my companion and teacher in so many ways these last 13 years. I pray we have more. Fervently so. Still, as I prepare to head off to pick her up and hear of the road ahead, what we know and do not... I am reminded that I get to be here for her. And that wells up my heart and feeds my Soul. Generous in prosperity, thankful in adversity.
... peace, passion and prosperity.
Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage
Lead, inspire, educate, and unite. Move forward together, stronger. My work is about bringing campuses, companies and communities together, moving forward stronger. I work with educators, entrepreneurs and emerging leaders to do just that. My work is about character leadership and education and its role in helping individuals and organizations build a better world at school, work, business and community. I deliver on it through speaking, coaching and development in character leadership and education. My expertise is character leadership and education. I advance unity in diversity by moving the needle on leadership and education that is high character and results forging. I speak, teach, coach, facilitate, lead, write, sing, dance, cartoon and create on that. In 1980, Professor Rolf Hattenauer changed my life. A highly respected expert in Human Resource Management, he expected much of us and he believed much in us. He was an educator and leader of high character. He was extraordinary. To this day and beyond, I try my darnedest to honor his spirit with my own work. That is another story. But I hope I did him service here.
AAAAAAAAND thoughts on character and leadership...
Yes, we have launched TUGtv with the above in mind... in support of it all. To date, we have produced the following episodes with many more to come. We invite you to check them out.
- broadCAST Live, November 2020
- broadCAST Live, October 2020
- broadCAST Live, September 2020
- broadCAST Live, August 2020
- broadCAST Live, July 2020
- broadCAST Live, June 2020
- broadCAST Live, May 2020
- broadCAST Live, April 2020
- broadCAST Live, March 2020
- broadCAST Live, February 2020
- Justice Lead, November 2020
- Justice Lead, October 2020
- Justice Lead, September 2020
- Justice Lead, August 2020
- Justice Lead, July 2020
- Justice Lead, June 2020
- Justice Lead, May 2020
- Talk Reel, November 2020
- Talk Reel, October 2020
- Talk Reel, September 2020
- Talk Reel, August 2020
- Talk Reel, July 2020
- Talk Reel, June 2020
- TUGtalks, July 2020
- TUGtalks, with Michelle Cederberg
- TUGtalks, with Jimmy Bonnell
- TUGtalks, with Herky Cutler
- TUGtalks, with Ray Hollister
- TUGtalks, with Ryan Osborne
- TUGtalks, with Stephen Burry
- TUGtalks on Entrepreneurship and Business Planning
- TUGtalks, with Trent Langdon
- Brilliant Souls, Episode 2, November 2020
- Brilliant Souls, Episode 1, September 2020
And now...
#hUmaNITY exploring the common "language" of our humanity.... Episode 1, November 2020.
- We are excited about these 6 series, engaging dialogue for a better world.