Walk the path of real truth
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
Walking on the path of truth according to me consists of three things-Seeking The Truth- Almost everyone today is living in an illusion that “the truth they know is the truth” which is wrong. The truth we talk about today is subjective. No one is willing to find the exact and absolute truth. When you’re willing to find “the truth” is the first stage and the starting point of your journey on the path of the truth. Identifying The Truth- When you start to find the truth, there would be a lot of lies, half-truths, distorted-truths, misinterpreted-truths and many more will come in your way. But if you’re seeking the truth you must know how to identify that part of truth which will take you closer to the next level of truth and keep doing this until you reach “the truth”.
Understanding the Truth- When you will find “the truth” then it would give you the understanding that you never had, will reveal the things you never found, will show you the things you never thought of. You must understand the truth to complete this journey or you will fail, the whole point of your journey would be pointless if you would be unable to understand the truth. The day you’ll complete these stages will be the day you’ll complete the journey on the path of the truth. When you find ‘the real truth”, tell it to others to guide them.
Walking on the path of truth means overcoming the myth, overcoming the ignorance. We human beings are not living the truth, we are living a life of illusion, of maya. It shows in our actions. We human beings are so possessive about our people and our products, we are so possessive about our money, our wealth, we are so worried about our name, when the truth is - all this is not real. Even our name was given to us one day and the name will go away at death.
None of our possessions will remain ours, we can't even take a pin with us. None of the relationships will last. We don't realize that death is round the corner, be it tomorrow. We don't accept the truth, we are living a life of myth, of illusion. Walking on the path of truth means overcoming our ignorance, overcoming the myth, and realizing the truth. This is enlightenment.
Nothing can stand the test of time. Eventually, everything must finally, and sadly, come to an abrupt end. Do you want to know the latest drug? It’s called social media. Everyone must finally discover the ultimate horror of having sex. Never pin your hopes on empty promises. Empty promises are things that did not exist in the first place. What really matters is not believing in yourself. It is trusting yourself. Most people feed themselves from their necks down, but what really contributes to our growth is feeding ourselves from the neck up. Have you ever considered why we’ve been watching TV for decades and not yet experienced any change? Because TV was not designed to bring change. It was designed to make us illiterate.
Most people think that change is something that jumps out of the pages of a textbook into the mind. Change is actually something that the mind conceives from within. You are one of 3 things — you will never change, or you will watch others change, or you will become the change. Death was never the greatest tragedy. The greatest tragedy is to live in this life and never show up. The majority of people fall in love through the eyes the first time. That means you should be very careful who you let your eyes come into contact with. The best way to judge a woman's loyalty is when her man has nothing. The best way to judge a man's loyalty is when he has everything. Fortunes do not necessarily change men as much as it unmasks them.
Bullying is for people who have no confidence in themselves. The reason they do it is to try and shake off their own demons. To fall in love is awfully simple, but to fall out of love is simply awful. Retirement is when the living is easy and the payments are hard. Best friends are like diamonds; precious and rare. Bad friends are like tree leaves; they’re found everywhere. A stranger stabs you in the front; A friend stabs you in the back; A boyfriend stabs you in the heart, but best friends only poke each other with straws. The daily grind of hard work gets a person polished but also emaciated and painfully tired. Kissing is the merging of two lips, two souls and two spirits that makes them one.
Siblings are the only enemy you can't live without. Denial is the way we know best how to handle that which we don’t comprehend. Sometimes those who don't socialize much aren't actually anti-social; they just have no tolerance for drama and fake people. Love is like a tornado; it sweeps you off your feet and sometimes takes half your house. Sometimes we tend to be in despair when the person we love leaves us, but the truth is, it's not our loss, but theirs, for they left the only person who wouldn't give up on them.
You will never know true happiness until you have truly loved, and you will never understand what pain really is until you have lost it. Sometimes you have to stand alone to prove that you can still stand. Why do people say “no offense" just before they’re about to offend you? The secret of discovery is not in looking for new lands, but in looking at existing land with new eyes. Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections. Cheers!