Walk the end back...

Walk the end back...

Our minds are programmed to think on how to move from now to then, the current scenario to a future vision, value to result, not the other way around. Looking into the crystal ball and anticipating what's to come or how things will eventually pan out, is not all plain sailing.

Success is ultimately what most people desire and strive for... being it in life, relationships, a job, a business, an organisation, an industry, the economy, a country, the world, the universe.

How we measure success through the results we get, varies. Whether financial, emotional, intellectual, contextual or otherwise; the level of success we experience depends on intrinsic value-added and perceptions of what we and others consider to be the reality of the moment.

Visualise this...
Walking down a passage you know well
close your eyes
Now, walk backwards to your starting point
give it a try...

Did you look over your shoulder to see if there is something in your way? A toy, a step, something that was not there minutes ago. Something you missed whilst going forward?


It is interesting how our minds work, what it absorbs and often ignores, especially when we're in a rush or under pressure. The fast pace of our world demands performance now, resulting in most people thinking and behave in tactical terms, rather than strategic.

Strategic thinkers have a better chance of taking us into a new dimension. Tactical thinkers are equally important to get the job done. The art is harnessing the best of both behaviours. The challenge is bridging these different ways of thinking, often the root cause of divides.

Part of the solution is changing how we look at things such as; the depth of; and order in which we process thoughts, ideas and events. If you are not achieving the results anticipated or expected, maybe its time to act and respond differently, change things around a bit, rediscovering the space you use to know, reinventing the value exchange you had in mind.

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Let's walk the end back

Start by looking from the outside in. Remove yourself from the reality of the moment. Set emotions, constraints, differences, etc. aside and intentionally focus on the upside. Think laterally. For a moment, forget about what you think you know and how things get done.

The Result

Pick a time in the future, aligned with your strategic planning cycle. Start by describing the anticipated result by then. If it is complex, break it down into clearly definable chunks in terms of timescale, magnitude, quantity, quality, etc. Tackle each as a separate exercise.


Directives drive actions, causing reactions. Think about what the most desirable reactions should be to fully realise the result. Consider what decisions need to be made to influence behaviour. Summarise this in theatres of excellence. Keep it logical and forget about who.


Having well thought through alternatives is a trick up the sleeve of many a strategist. Think about possible options that could provide new life should things not pan out as hoped for. Consider what options would be great to have as a foundation for future decisionmaking.


By definition... "shrewdness shown by keen insight". Consider the alternatives identified in the previous step. What intelligence, knowledge and know-how are required to clearly define and refine these alternatives? What insights are reliable? What is missing or doubtful?

Viable Perspectives

Looking at the framework you just created. What would the ideal scenario be to achieve the result in the most desirable way? What is the status quo, perceptions and other perspectives? Identify the gaps between now and what is ideal and what it will take to bridge these gaps.

Culture, Values, Conduct

Describe the ideal culture and values that will strengthen you in pursuing the ideal scenario. Think about the rules of engagement required to drive this forward in the most viable and rewarding manner. Also, make a list of what should not be or what need be stamped out.

Audience, Drivers, Influencers

Pause for a moment and revisit your notes. Who can benefit from, or contribute to, the result in mind? What are the KPI's of how they would measure success in this context? What is in it for them to engage? Who will drive and promote it? Who can influence decision-making?

Value Invention / Exchange In Mind

Forget for a moment about what you have. Define the ideal value proposition that will meet all expectations. What does it look like? How does it work? Is it unique? Does it exist? What will it take to bring it to life? What resources, know-how and capacity are needed to deliver?

Benchmark your discovery against your current value proposition and game plan.

5 Things to think about...

  • To what extent does your current offering enable you to achieve this result?
  • Do you need to seriously rethink your value proposition and game plan?
  • What are the constraints that keep you from pursuing the result in mind?
  • Could a workshop with your team bring you closer to the ideal scenario?
  • Would you like to attend a value invention/exchange think-tank session?

Inbox me if you would like to pursue this further.

Looking Forward...

Johan Van Zyl

Founder at Want2Stay Vacation Accommodation and Retired Regional Court Judge

4 年

Nice one Hennie - I feel like retiring. If I get a buyer for www.southernstaying.co.za I will sell :) We are busy! Warm Regards?


