Waking up to Yourself

Waking up to Yourself

For many the pandemic was a wake up call. If one could so easily have died, and many did, the question then is, "what am I living for?"

For many of us our life choices are driven by extraneous questions such as "How well does this job pay?", "What is the career path?", and "What are the jobs of the future?". These are valuable questions, but unless they are preceded with, "Is this the life that I really want for myself and my family?", life becomes a scrabble for the highest paying jobs and career prospects. We settle into roles and careers, and become so absorbed in high performance "hustle culture", that we don't have time (or make time) to reevaluate our fundamental values and priorities. To a certain extent we go to sleep on ourselves.

The pandemic woke many people up. Being forced to spend time with their families, many realised how valuable and important family and community is, and that the life they are living is not aligned with this. With more time on their hands, many people also realised that, although they may be good at their jobs, and though they may be well paying jobs, they want more out of life. This led to the Great Resignation and the Great Reset. People quit jobs, quit their companies for ones they feel more aligned with, changed careers, started their own business, all to align with their freshly updated life script, often with family at the core.

Others, equally disillusioned (or awakened!), rather than take radical action, have checked out, "Quietly Quitting", doing the bare minimum to perform their jobs, but seeking fulfilment in activities outside of work. Again, finding fulfilment outside of work can be a positive strategy, but not if it is to compensate for the lack of fulfilment at work. It would better, yes, more risky and disruptive perhaps, but better still for longer term life fulfilment, to take a serious step back and ask yourself, "what do I really want out of life", and to respond to those answers.

Previously, mid-life or other disruptive factors such as a death, divorce, serious illness, and job loss have made us recognise (and acknowledge) that we will not live forever, resulting in us asking ourselves these existential questions. The difference is that this would impact different individuals at different times, but the pandemic was a global tsunami of such disruptive force that it is likely that the vast majority of people on earth were asking themselves these questions at the same time, resulting in these massive waves of societal responses such as the Great Resignation and the Great reset, the waves of which are still rippling out.

To me, the pandemic was as much a Great Awakening, waking us up to ourselves, forcing us to ask ourselves the questions that we so often 'park', as facing them is never easy, as there are no easy answers, but, in waking up to ourselves and facing and answering these questions, may we all live lives that express and fulfil our deepest desires for ourselves, our families and the world.

If you have woken up, and have realised you want to live a different life, I would be honoured to work with you to design a life that expresses and fulfils your deepest desires for yourself, your family and the world.

Book a no-obligation call here . Together we can design a programme to help you take small steps and giant leaps to become the human and leader that you want to be.

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Clinton Fein

Motivational Speaker at RE: BULLYING

1 年

Nice one!



