Wake up! The UN is not our friend-It’s time to walk away
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Wake up! The UN is not our friend-It’s time to walk away

December 2023 The Spectator Australia?

The time has come to call out the United Nations for what it is; an anti-capitalist champion for authoritarian governments around the world.

While Western democracies contribute well over 50 per cent of the regular UN budget, Beijing, with a mere 12 per cent, now leads four of the critical fifteen UN Specialized Agencies, compared to Washington’s two. Chinese deputies are present in nine.

Where China holds no official position, it has signed memoranda of understanding between those agencies and its Belt and Road Initiative often leveraging its relationships to obtain voluntary funding. This effectively gives Belt and Road UN endorsement.

China also maintains a network of lower-level nationals; career professionals or diplomats who have infiltrated the UN system and work diligently to underpin its objectives. China also sponsors non-Chinese candidates who favour Beijing’s national interests.

The rise and rise of China within the UN doesn’t bother fellow communist, UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres. After all, the UN’s and Beijing’s ‘shared future’ global governance agenda align.

Like China, the UN rejects the principle of universal human rights. It talks about ‘paradoxical universal exceptionalism’ in which each state is on its own unique path to modernity and development. It’s a doctrine bound to comfort human-rights abusers which may explain why the overwhelming majority of member states oppose interference in China’s internal affairs. And why Beijing has been re-elected to the Human Rights Council six times. But then, in what must be the ultimate in moral perversity, Iran chairs the Human Rights Council Social Forum.

China and the UN also align on ‘support for the Palestinian people to regain their legitimate national rights’. Indeed, the United Nations, including the Security Council, has yet to condemn Hamas for its barbarous attacks, a move which Israel’s envoy, Gilad Erdan said is reminiscent of the global silence enveloping the Holocaust during World War Two. Erdan lamented that instead of standing by Israel, whose citizens were slaughtered by Hamas, the UN preaches specifically to Israel. He said, for many years, the UN has turned a blind eye to the arming of Hamas and its use of civilian populations and infrastructure in Gaza to stockpile weapons and embed military emplacements. As the body which created the state of Israel, the UN now appears agnostic. Like 80 years ago, communists and fascists are united in hate.

For anyone doubting China’s grip on the UN, it was never more obvious than during the outbreak of Covid-19. When Beijing was deliberately under-reporting cases, the head of the World Health Organisation, Tedros Ghebreyesus, sided with Beijing. Quoting directly from Chinese government statements, Tedros claimed, ‘China has bought the world time.’ ‘China’s speed, China’s scale and China’s efficiency… is the advantage of China’s system.’

Who knows how many of the seven million worldwide Covid deaths could have been averted if Tedros had initially revealed the truth?

Further disregard for wider interests is Beijing’s failure to comply with the Protocols of Accession once it gained entry to the World Trade Organisation. The UN’s continued acquiescence, points to deliberate favoured treatment. In all things related to the United Nations and China, it’s better to heed what they do, than what they say.

Like when President Xi Jinping presented himself to the UN General Assembly, as the model global citizen, claiming China would be guided in its efforts to facilitate the Paris Agreement by ‘a future of win-win cooperation with each country contributing to the best of its ability’. It didn’t take long for the ‘win-win co-operation’, to become ‘(China) will set its own path and not be influenced by outside factors’.

Roughly translated, this means building two coal-fired power stations a week, increasing coal production by 300 million tonnes a year and operating 32 oil refineries, making it the world’s largest refiner. But then, as Xie Zhenhua, China’s top climate envoy explains, phasing out fossil fuels is ‘unrealistic’.

Too bad that China’s emissions exceed those of the US and all other developed nations combined. And that China’s emissions trajectory renders the Paris Agreement unachievable and the climate change initiatives currently weakening Western societies, exercises in futility.

Such details don’t stop the UN and its authoritarian proxies from persisting with their campaign that climate change is an imminent existential threat to humanity. They know fear is a potent weapon, so they ignore declining extreme weather events, play down the recovery of the Great Barrier Reef, manufacture record temperatures and invent drowning island populations. This in the knowledge that the world has never delivered more people out of hunger and poverty than now.

But then anthropogenic global warming is not about science, it’s about political power and wealth redistribution. It’s about confiscating individual freedom and personal responsibility to the point it is now a threat to democracy itself.

Tellingly, the UN has created a ‘loss and damage’ fund for vulnerable countries ‘hit hard by climate disasters’, whatever that means. A weak and gullible West will contribute. China has declined.

No wonder so many dictatorial regimes in parts of Asia, Africa and Latin America embrace the so-called ‘Beijing consensus’ as the governance model of choice. Using the United Nations and vast networks of activists, they press the ‘shared future’ or the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset of Capitalism’ agenda by infiltrating democratic institutions and undermining traditional Western beliefs.

Like cancer, what started as a mild irritation has spread to become an existential threat. Conspiracy theory? Hardly. To quote George Orwell, ‘To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle.’

We refuse to believe what we see.

As we enter the new year, the Australian government continues to cede sovereignty to distant colonialists, whose self-serving agenda is power. It’s time to believe what we see.

Winston Churchill once said, ‘The United Nations was not designed to take us to heaven, but to prevent us from going to hell.’

It’s no longer true to label.

AUTHOR Maurice Newman


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