Wake up to a reality of today

Wake up to a reality of today

Reality caused it. If you have awakened to the One Reality, the first thing you ‘know’ is that Reality is the only thing that could have caused it! That said, I assume you are wanting to know what was the ‘apparent human life’ catalyst for that awakening, and as you probably already know, it’s different for every one who awakens. For some it’s (seemingly) a very linear process of letting go of the identity with the illusory ego-mind through decades of meditation, culminating in stages of ‘samadhi’ (absorption) that clearly let “you” see what is Real and what is not. Or the same letting go of the ego identity, but through total surrender rather than protracted practices.

For others, it comes in an instant, a flash, that seems triggered by a life event so cataclysmic that the mind/ego temporarily dissolves, the veil drops away, and the True Reality is revealed. Like a serious accident, a near-death experience or a serious physical or mental breakdown. Eckhart Tolle’s awakening to Reality could be said to fit into this last category.But as we know, many people have all these things - decades of practice, serious breakdowns, failing health or life-force, etc. and do not awaken to Reality. Most in fact.

Which brings us right back to the initial statement and the Only Doer-Causer, Reality Itself…which ‘awakens’ “you” in Its own ‘time’/non-time’ as It deems, not “you.” Anyone - anyone- who tells you how “they” caused their awakening, is not fully awakened…not yet. I was on retreat, deep in the woods, and heard Ramana Maharshi’s voice say, “See if anything ever arose,” and that was it. Instantly and irrevocably, I knew what was Real and what was not, what was the Dream.

Did being on retreat cause it? Did being isolated in the woods cause it? Did Ramana’s words cause it? Did the fact that I had both, already done years of meditation and already suffered serious physical and emotional breakdowns, cause it? None of the above. Could’ve had all that and still remained fast asleep. So once again, the only thing that ‘causes’ one to wake up to Reality, is Reality Itself. Or more accurately (once again in in Ramana’s words,) “The Self is always the Self (Reality) and there is no such thing as realizing it or ‘waking up’ to it.’ Who is to realize or wake up to what, and how, when all that exists is the Self?”

I remember what it was like to work, have friends, enjoy being active. I remember feeling driven to reach my potential. When I fell into psychosis something died in me, during the spiritual awakening I became convinced that terrible things were going to happen, something bigger than me was going to take my life away and turn me into something I would hate. Little by little I gave up my will to live because this big thing was here and wouldn't leave and I was convinced that meant there could be no more hope. But now that I understand that the big entity is incredible and kind and funny and that she's here to help not control, I feel like I can start to breathe and let go of my armor.

I guess trust issues are very real, I wasn't even willing to consider that anything good could come from someone in my life. Now I feel heartbroken that I got so lost and disconnected, but I have to remember that I didn't do it on purpose. I would never have hurt myself so bad if my fear and shame weren't so damn real. All I want is a fair chance at life, I didn't mean to work against a process that was helping me have a better life. But now that I know I am safe and in control, I am starting to see what everyone meant by blessed and that I was receiving a gift. I really hope my body will heal what a heartbreaking fate if I died just as I was making sense of everything and beginning to heal.

Waking up to reality means come to the real world. Don't live in fantasy. Means don't chase rainbow or you can say castle in the air. Don't run behind the things which is impossible, change your aisle. It is said that A bird in hand worth than two in bush .It is better to wake up from the imaginary world as soon as possible. Wake up to reality....that nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world, the longer you live the longer you realize that the only things that truly exist in this reality are merely pain suffering and fertility. Where ever you look in this world wherever the light there will always shadows to be found as well. As long as there is concept of victors, the vanquish will also exist.. Cheers!

Abdelouahed Rhazaf

For a changing world that favors unity instead of division, Compassion & Kindness : Our ancestors continuity through us

2 年

Great share?? Thank you so much dear Kishore Shintre?? Happy and blessed Friday to you

Pankaj D.

Industry Facilitator | Validator | Contract Mfg. Coordinator | Auditor & Trainer | Consultant for Industrial Project

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