Wake up like ‘Neo’!
What if the world we are living in, is a dream? What if everything that we are experiencing, are mere imaginations?
Have you ever thought of yourself waking up like ‘Neo’ in ‘The Matrix’..?
If you could, what would the ‘real world’ be like?
I have heard that ‘everything begins from WITHIN’ and also about ‘SELF-AWAKEning’. Do they literally mean it? Well, this is a vast topic to talk about, so let’s discuss about something much smaller.
We all saw a lot of technological advancements in the past 30 years than any time in history. It has become crucial for anyone to adapt to the tech advancements to survive in this world. Nowadays, we all receive our salaries to our bank account and get notified by a message on our phones, but we never get to see / feel the actual money in our hands. These digital money transactions lead us to have very minimal physical interactions with our hard-earned money. We are the only generation to witness so much technological developments in a lifetime. We can relate these to the previous generation and assume how these changes could make them feel.
Let’s assume that you had a friend who was born in the 1940’s. He fell into ‘coma’ while he was a teenager and woke up in the year 2020. When he sees that your salary is getting credited on your mobile phone as a message, he might suspect that your company is fraudulent and it is trying to cheat you by sending something by air. He might ask questions like,
* What are those digits that’s shown as the balance on the account? Who decides them?
* If you can spend only the numbers shown in our bank account, then how does the credit card work?
* If the credit limit is the maximum that you can spend, how can the bank increase your credit limit over an email request, when your salary hasn’t increased at all?
I am sure, you will have to explain a lot to make him understand these concepts. But, for a moment, let’s look at ourselves through his eyes.
For him, everything was physical in his childhood. He spent money when he had cash on his hands and starved when empty. Don’t get surprised if he says that we all live in an imaginary world; a ‘screen-era’. Everything for us is on the screen; let it be playing with our friends (we have PUBG) or going out with our family for shopping (we have online stores).
We are now adapting to Artificial and Virtual Realities and very soon, these machines will become a necessity in our lives. Next could be a generation to have the AR machines fixed to their faces all the time!
Be ready to break those walls, Neo. We’re already there!