Janet Lau, RDN
Integrative Registered Dietitian and Holistic Coach on a mission to make healthy eating and lifestyle changes simple and sustainable. Refer to nutritioncustomcare.com & services.nutritioncustomcare.com.
Are you feeling more sluggish, less energetic, or noticed a decrease in momentum these days? Did you gain a little more weight over the past few months? Is it getting harder to go up the stairs, walk a block, or head to the gym? Are you getting more headaches, migraines, backaches and/or joint pains? Did your cholesterol levels increase or have your blood sugar levels been out of range and/or your blood pressure inching toward doctors saying it's time to take some pills to treat these health issues? Have you been making more appointments to see the doctor to help figure out what's wrong? Has your mood and spirit been out of whack or has this been an ongoing trend for some time!
I think we are all going through some tough times these days and are being confronted with what's already been in motion for a while especially now since going remote or finding a new normal. Seems like there is a new pharmacy, doctor's office, and healing center opening up at every corner of every street like it's the new convenient shop on the block. People are now needing to shop for their health needs vs. clothes or goods. That can be a good thing as more options are opening up to cater to people's individualized needs and interests but at the same time, it's a sign of the times that we need a lot more help to address the declining state of people's health.
With so much information, technology, stressors, and a changing world, it's no wonder people are overwhelmed. The outlets of how to cope with these issues differ from person to person. In my line of work, eating seems like the bandage answer to these problems. Patients come into my virtual office to state that eating out is a frequent occurrence and "I finish everything on my plate", "I haven't thought about health until I needed to which only started happening when I started staying up later which meant eating later", "I've had joint pain forever but lately it's been more painful than usual and it doesn't help that I've been gaining weight". We all need to have a good time, but for some of us, it's leading to and exacerbating the very problems that actually need to be addressed.
My position in the matter is to offer more compassion and understanding since I understand these are tough times. But I also want to be the inner voice that asks WHY (...continue to make the decisions that won't help you for the short and long term) and also say, with all sincerity, WAKE UP! Take a walk or a hike instead, meditate for 20 minutes, carve out time to connect with nature, get up from the chair to do some stretches every hour or so, drink some water that you missed out on for the last 5 hours or catch up on some sleep. Start thinking about you! Create time in your day to make sure you take care of yourself instead of everything and everybody else! Aim to avoid/reduce/be mindful of resorting to the very vices that contribute to poor health or towards the trajectory furthering your health decline. You can do it and possibly reverse every ailment that you now have or leading towards.
You might be thinking, "Easier said than done"! If you are finding it challenging to decipher what to do first or lost in initiating a small health step forward, it would be my pleasure to support you. Feel free to contact me for a free "Meet and Greet" where we can connect so you can learn how I can help at https://www.nutritioncustomcare.com/ or email me at [email protected].