Wake Up The Best Version of You
Daniel Yepez
Chairman of the Board at Behold Retreats & Founder of Resonance Costa Rica ????
This is the beginning of Ongoing Radical Change, not just a bump in "normal."
God is a reality that flows through all of us equally.
Simultaneously, we live in a civilization where the embedded structural incentives are sociopathic and ecocidal.
We need to be clear. The actors on our global stage who have the most power have gotten to the top of the power stack by playing win-lose games very skillfully. All they want is to keep wining, and they will do that at any cost.
The myth of David and Goliath keeps coming to me. The "system" is Goliath. Each one of us, as a coherent, ethical actor is David.
David knew that God was with him.
We must know that god (love, life, truth) is with each of us.
And, like David, we must get very clear about where we each have personal leverage: capacity to move, capacity to message, capacity to steer, impact, influence, and capacity to make.
Understand that power flows through you in every choice you make with your time, energy and attention.
There is no time to waste right now in "needing to be right."
You are powerful.
Being powerful is increasingly a function of how you behave, not what you "know."
In the context of the current Info War, "getting to the bottom of things" is less and less possible.
But... you can be the bottom line through your being, words and deeds.
Command and demand ethical sense making within your own field.
Act in love grounded in the zones off genius where you have real skill.
Build from your zone of genius.
Say no to what is out of alignment.
Expand your capacity for Gratitude, Praise and Celebration, because it will keep your spirit alive, it will support the wellbeing of others, and because it is part of our original contract of responsibility to the earth and all beings with whom we share this Circle of Life. Really - gratitude tends the fabric of relationships that is life.
Remember that the skills of initiated innocence (play, art, prayer and celebration) and Wisdom go hand in hand. Both are a part of your maturation and the maturation of our species.
Reach beyond your immediate community of sense making and news-sharing. Find indigenous voices, spirit voices, and voices of those who know how to tend the earth.
Know that there is a subself within you that is still invested in "business as usual" and success through winning the win-lose games of the old framework. Work tenderly with that self, because it needs to be mentored into new understandings of Soul Success woven with collective human thriving and thriving of nature.
Cultivate a sense of local citizenship and of global citizenship and tend both. We are all indigenous to this planet. We are all co-responsible for the commons and the specific places where we live. Track the pathways of the water you depend on, the food/soil web you depend on... there is no other way.
Lean into the spiritual, emotional, mental and ecological skillsets of resilience.
Re-learn how to co-regulate with seasons, cycles, forces of nature and plants and animals.
Re-learn how to use your hands, your voice and your heart.
They are all vehicles of your soul.
Get ready for a long walk.
We're in this together.
Keep calm and carry on.
Soul sobriety is the great opportunity to birth a Civilization in alignment with love.
It's not going to happen overnight, but it will happen way faster if each of us takes co-responsibility for our place in the web.
ps. If you resonate with all of this, please share.