Wake Up America!
One party is all about giving people free stuff, phones, assistance on rent, utilities, food, etc. They want to get you free health & child care, free education and basically free money. They are all about free choice as well.
That all sounds great. They want you to believe that it will all be paid for by the rich people and corporations. With that free education they are providing they will teach you how that all works, except it doesn't work that way. First, if you tax & regulate businesses too much they leave this country. That is the way free enterprise works. That is what has been happening over the past generation. If companies can't make money they cannot grow and hire more people. They also lose their value in the stock market and people trying to invest for their retirement also see declines instead of gains.
Second, even if the rich people and corporations actually paid in more taxes the reality is that wouldn't even scratch the surface of what the true cost of all this socialization of our government is. Where does the burden fall? Squarely on where most of the money is, the middle class. Maybe not in the form of direct taxation, but hidden in service fees, additional user fees, surcharges, and in many cases extra charges to cover the cost of others not paying their bills.
Thirdly, That party appears to be for total freedom to do whatever you want. That is why the media and the movie industry support them wholeheartedly. They know that God is bad and that sex and violence makes them a ton of money. They play into all the human weaknesses that God points out are sins. Sins that bring pain & suffering when practiced and embraced, but they never show that side. They will never make the connection between a sinful lifestyle and the dark side of addiction, failed relationships, depression, disease, and a shorten life expectancy. Plain and simple when we choose to ignore God we get exactly what His word tells us, but you will never hear that from an industry that cares only about their bottom line. You don't see cable bills going down because Hollywood is willing to take pay cuts. They preach "green", love for the environment and for animals, and yet we must maintain our freedom of choice when it comes to a human life because the irresponsibility's they promote require man's intervention (I call it man's Band-Aid) to try and fix, reality is it only covers it up leaving behind scars and pain that continue to take its toll.
Their so called freedoms and freebies actually come with a lot of baggage. Controls, policies and regulations that place a ton of restrictions on the very people they are claiming to be free. Whatever their leadership believes is "right" and certainly not Godly, is what must be taught in every school and followed by every public entity, which eventually ends up spilling over into the private sector as well, because if you are not politically correct you will be ostracized and sued. So you are free as long as you follow what they say.
So this party claims to be for freedom and fighting for the little guy, but the reality is they want to enable people to pursue an unhealthy lifestyle that will continue to bring more pain and suffering to both themselves and to our communities. God in Jesus brings about a loving environment because that is what He desires from us. To wantonly care for others in service to a God that created us and loves us above all else. To respect the very values that God laid down in the Bible because to deviate from these ways will bring about suffering that God does not want us to endure. He wants us to seek Him for He is the one that gave us a free will. If the government denies His existence and demands that is what is taught to our children in school then we reap what we sow. We become empty shells open to be filled with whatever comes our way. Broken ungodly family situations, and seemingly nowhere to turn. Then we wonder and study to death why we are killing each other, why there are acts of terrorism, school shootings and suicides. Time to wake up America!
For the Christians out there looking for ways to address this seemingly hopeless situation let me suggest a free program. Not one you sit back and watch and talk about, but rather one that enables you to go out into your community to share as well as show God's love and grace to everyone. Not just those with physical needs, but to all people because all life matters to God. Serve others through acts of kindness and in doing so you, with the help of the Holy Spirit, will create a joyous yet surprising moment for anyone that the Lord sends your way during what we call a P.A.C.K. event (Planned Acts of Christian Kindness). Through a smile, the giving or doing something for free, just a few short words, and the giving of a sharing card you are able to plant the seeds of the Spirit. The card explains that it is God reaching out to them at this unusual time & place letting them know that He loves them and the gift is a taste of what His grace through Jesus is like. Something that cannot be bought or earned at any price. On the back of the card is a warm invite to come to your place of worship to learn more about Jesus’ love for them. Simple, easy, fast & effective. The more P.A.C.K. you do the more blessings He will shower upon you. I have been doing monthly events for the past 17 years and the powerful witness stories that have come from people that you would least expect and at a timing that can only be of God. I can never forget those "God moments" and I know He will do the same for you. We need to step up and help America wake up! God bless! Use this link to sign up for your totally free program: https://acts18.org/christian-kindness/