Waiting for the Sunrise, Damn It Earl, Humping, Grinding, and Accomplishments

Waiting for the Sunrise, Damn It Earl, Humping, Grinding, and Accomplishments

"It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done." 

— Vincent van Gogh

5:26 a.m., I’m sitting on top of a mountain waiting for the sun to rise.   I came up to our mountain home to do some chores that needed to be done. My Queen is in Florida with our daughter; she will drive back to Indiana and then fly back to Colorado, she’s putting some miles in this week.

We lost one of my uncle’s this past weekend. He was the feature of one of my past books, The Nursing Home Fun King. He was 84, spent his final days in a nursing home. My father would pick him up weekly and take him to a men’s meeting.

Earl was ornery and always had a wry smile on his face. Even his obituary photo shows a cat like a grin. We were able to spend Christmas with him this past year. He was great, engaging even though he might now have known who we were. 

Earl used to help my dad at my home-based winery. We had various projects, and those two were always over helping us with the processing or the vineyard. At the time, I owned the winery with my friend Jerry. We called it Jerande’ and made as much wine as the law would allow.

One day we were processing wine, and Earl wasn’t paying much attention. My Dad repeatedly said, “Damn it, Earl,” to the point where Jerry thought Damn It was Earl’s first name. From that day forward Earl became known as Damn It Earl. Damn It Earl will be missed, but I think he’s in a better place. The last couple of months have not been kind to his mind or body; I think he was ready RIP, Uncle Earl.

It’s hump day, a day of humping and grinding. Get up, get out, and accomplish something. I’ll never understand the person that does nothing all day. People that suck off the teat of society but giving nothing back. My days are packed with small accomplishments that add up. I go to bed and recount what I did that day. Accomplishments are my fuel; accomplishments give me energy and satisfaction.

Your time on this flying spaceship is short. It’s time to engage doing something good for yourself, your family, and your community. Do not waste a single moment of today. You will never get today back; today is the day you can accomplish anything you set your mind to do.

The sun is peeking out. It’s a dark orange mixed with grey clouds. It will be stunning as always. I’ll sit here from the top of the world and welcome my friend the sun, we will have coffee together, and then I’ll get to work on those accomplishments, and I recommend you follow my lead.

"It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done." 

— Vincent van Gogh




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