Waiting is often the hardest part!
My new book, as mentioned recently, is done. Now, Alibi for Evil, is with the editor and I wait nervously for its return.The book goes through two readings from friends of mine who enjoy pointing out my poor grammar, wrong tenses and/or plots that need work. Once done/corrected, if I am in agreement, I send it too to an editor I can't buy with beer and dinner. Writing the book was a mixture of enjoyment, hair-pulling, bleeding fingers, a few cigars, glasses of Jameson's and long rides out of the Keys and walks until my Muse showed back up. But the hardest part is the waiting for copy to come back for editing. Did I tell the story correctly? Was this book better than the last (supposed to be that way). You can get a glimpse of two chapters (unedited) at my website: www.michaelhaskins.net. Let me know what you think. I appreciate honest input, even honest criticism. Thanks.