Waiting for NYSC? What to Do While Waiting.
Princess Amarachi
Content Marketer| African Voice Over Artiste| Follow for Career Tips For Entry-Level Professionals
Hi there,
I shared this thought on my page and I thought to elaborate more here.
In the coming days, I'll be answering frequent questions I get from undergraduates and fresh graduates as a post or video.
Today, I wanted to talk about what happens between the period of graduation and waiting for service(If you're in Nigeria.)
A greater percentage of fresh graduates waste valuable time after school by Idly Waiting for NYSC.
I get it! You can chill and relax. After all, you believe it won't take up to 3 months before you go for service.
But what if it takes longer than expected due to school or result issues? What do you do? Keep waiting?
Here are a few things you can do while waiting for service to build and prepare for the work or business place.
Engage in spiritual exercises like prayer, study and meditation. Discover things you like as a person or not, define your values and what kind of impact you would like to make here.
Most times, you might have experienced traumas like heartbreak, abuse or even issues from home. You don't want to face the outside world with that baggage. It's time to heal.
You can find entry-level internship opportunities for fresh graduates on LinkedIn and other job platforms.
Is there a skill you are passionate about? This could be the best time to add that skill to your set.
In addition, it's time to upskill and ensure you have skills relevant in the marketplace. Take courses, boot camps or classes that will help you build that skill.
Yeah, learning never ends.
I know a friend who was passionate about educating teens. During this wait, she joined an NGO in that field and today, she's a teen coach.
Your story might not be the same. But if there's a cause you're passionate about but have no money to fund, you can volunteer to help further the cause with already-established institutions.
Search out companies doing what you like, and reach out to them.
The lists are inexhaustible but your focus should be on taking that step that leads you closer to your desired career goal.
Above all, you can engage in these activities to experiment and find your ground before or after service.
Want to know more? I share these tips in detail here.
What other tips would you add?