Waiting for Normal?
Which Side of This Table Will You be Standing?
The world will not be going back to normal.
The last time many of us waited for the world to change,
We were unprepared to change ourselves.
The future of work is no longer in the future.
It is in front of us.
This time, we can no longer afford to wait.
This is the time to trade in the old mindset that worked a bit in the past,
But, blocks all progress today.
Over 45,000 people have used our unique process
to transform their relationship with work.
They have designed the work that is their best fit in this new world.
They have defined, exactly how they are going to thrive.
Every single outcome is unique.
Yours will fit you like a kid glove.
Compared to what you could be feeling right now,
The results will feel like putting on a new set of glasses and see the road ahead.
This time, it will be your journey.
Join us Saturday and Sunday, May 16 & 17 - In your home or office
You can enroll online right now or schedule a 15-minute call. We would prefer that you come into this experience prepared to hold all of us accountable.
We encourage you to do whatever it takes to answer your questions, make an informed decision on whether or not you need to be there.
Enroll Here:
Schedule a 15-Minute Call Here:
Are the Results Lasting?
“I was on a plane on 9/11 flying over New York. My wife and I moved the family to Los Angeles right away. The west coast had tugged at our hearts for a long time. I got here without a job. After encountering Inspired Work, everything fell together. For the last ten years, I’ve been on the cutting edge of work in the media and technology industries. I get to work with brilliant people. I come home to my children with a big smile on my face. My kids emulate me because they love what they see and I love my life.”
Larry Schwartz – SVP – Max Sound Corporation
“My late husband and I attended one of the first Inspired Work Programs in the early 90’s. John had just lost an executive role after 20 years. He worked for a bank that was imploding. He was very worried about finding a new role in his 50’s. By the second day, everything changed for him. He stood up and announced he had loved the art world his entire life. Now, he was going to put his energy there. John passed away eighteen years later. Every day, he walked out the door with a smile on his face. He accomplished and built so much in those years. He found his life’s work.”
Kerstin Morgan – Northern Trust
We began working with Dr. Mary Campbell when she was the chief talent officer at USC. Today, she is one of our most valued colleagues, a brilliant organizational strategist and now, Mayor for the City of Hermosa Beach.