Ms. Smaranika Tripathy
Consultant Clinical & Rehabilitation Psychologist at Belle Vue Clinic
I always thought we are different from each other, but somehow there is something which connects us and makes us all same or similar. May be those are our Emotions.
On a typical day, my clinic seems busy with different types of people coming from all over the state with various problems but they have one thing in common; they all experience the same emotions at the same time. Fearful, anxious and confused! Starting from the waiting time to getting cured, all have their own stories of difficulties and confusions.???
A typical waiting area looks strange however seems similar almost all days. And then there is that innocent and lovely face. A 5yr old child, sitting next to his mother, not worried but restless; is wondering the reason being at the clinic and trying to find out his doctor. And then it happens - the highlight of the story - a soft and short conversation between the mother and the child- listening, nodding, reciprocating, soothing and comforting!!
Strangely, we all are different with same emotions and mostly what we want is being listened to and comfort. This little one was jumping, smiling and talking to every stranger, forgetting and ignoring the reason being at the clinic and when everyone was waiting for a cure, this little one was busy knowing more people and adding more to his life’s story.
Passing by and watching this little one, I found many amazing things which are within us. May be all we need is to recognize and implement them. As a psychologist this scene was like a great therapeutic theory.
?“We all go through some problems which may make us anxious, worried and helpless sometimes, all we need is someone who can understand, listen and reciprocate the emotion we go though. Life also has different angles which tell us to look at new things, finding opportunity from the smallest thing not for anyone but for us as individuals. And finally, a smile, few small gesture may help someone to ignore his problems; it may work as a great healer. So appreciate every moment of living and keep smiling”
Every waiting area has some story; every waiting time has something to teach!!